Pit Bull vs S2000



Man does that suck. I would’ve tried to shoot the damn dogs if they were chewing on my S2000

pitbulls are the worst dogs ever… i agree on the shooting

I wouldn’t go that far…

untrained pit bulls are as bad/dangerous as any other untrained dog


thats right my parents shit Zu would have done more damage:greddy:

It would have to attack me to shoot it. Yes untrained dogs arebad and dangerous but Pitbulls have a reputation to just snap. One day they are the nicest pet ever, minutes later they will go attack the next thing they see. I’m not saying all Pittbuls are like that but theya re known for it.

wow that is insane

that depends on how they are trained
most pitbulls i have seen are freindly. just they are very strong and intimidating

Yes correction. I would’ve shot the dog whether it was a Pit Bull or a Bulldog if they were eating my car.

I like Pit Bulls, when I move into my own place I’m gonna get one. Any dog can be trained to attack someone.

The dogs would be dead…very simple.

No I would have shot the owner for not keeping control of his dogs

simple enough

That sucks that someone would let their dogs run around like that. I have a pittbull and he is really nice. But holy crap! Thats just crazy.

actually 305 trans ams are the worst ever… no, snotty nosed punk ass bitches are the worst ever… i suppose you apply to more than one.

how about you learn how to fucking spell before you make up bullshit that you expect people to believe… dipshit

LOL … even dogs know hondas are weak