My buddy's dog attacking

Its a Cane Corso named Bishop. I’ve never seen a dog do this before, so I had to get a few videos. Check him out…

lol. Pits have some serious lockjaw :slight_smile:


very interesting

Apparently, your dog is a reincarnated lumberjack.

That is crazy. he looks like a trained killer.


Can I rent him to pounce on meth head neighbor ?

Can I rent him to film a rap video? Maybe some quads with dubs while I’m at it?

Whar mah dawgs at

its a good thing no dog has the ability to lock its jaw

ugh… a Cane Corso is not a pit
Pits do not lock jaw…
there are tons of false information about Pit Bulls. drives me batty as I have an American Pit Bull Terrier. Part of being a responsible owner is dealing with these myths

If interested… please read

I’ve had people come up to my dog and pet her. then walk away when i tell them her breed when they ask. She wasn’t eating you two seconds ago… ugh

I have two Cane Corso’s. They are very good dog’s for families, but often get confused with Pittbull’s. If you read up on both breeds, you will find that the Pittbull’s especially get a bad rap for stupid owners.

Correct, a Cane Corso and a Pit are not the same although they do look similar.
They use to bread them, they are awesome dogs, very intimidating but very nice once they get to know you. I was always afraid of them because they are so big and muscular, but I have yet to run into a “mean” Cane Corso, now pit bulls on the other hand, i’ve seen more “mean” pits than nice ones.

my roomates cocker spanial used to do that too, she also whined and cried as she did it. so strange

I always feel bad for Pit Bulls. They are the prettiest dogs and typically have a wonderful temperament. People are only afraid of Pits because of the way the media portrays them. You are just as likely to be bitten by a lab or golden retriever as you are a Pit. I would love to get a pit bull some day but we already have two small dogs.

pits are pretty? i think a collie is a pretty dog…not a pit.

i’m sick of people cryin…ohh the media…the media…

i had a “nice” pit launch itself at me because it thought i was hurting its owner when i hugged them… most dogs would bark or growl…this mother fucker almost took my head off… i rarely meet a Pit owner that isnt on the boarderline of douchery. fuck em… my beagle fought off two big ass pits like a champ. they pinned him on the ground on his back and he kicked them motherfuckers in the face. they are real nice dogs my fuckin ass!!! I hear way too many stories OUTSIDE the media to beleive that are nice… i know of 3 people whos dogs were killed when they were just out for walks because someones “usually nice” pit bull ripped them apart. a few others including mine were attacked…and that doesnt include people i know that were bitten. the problem isnt just bad owners, its that there is more bad owners that have them for the wrong reasons.

i’m curious as to why people want pit bulls other than the image of having one?

my pitbull is nice…

You really think that is the breed’s fault? I would say it is more than likely the dumbass owners who don’t train their dogs correctly. Hell, if I wanted to, I could have taught my two 12 pound dachsunds to attack people if I wanted to. You can’t blame crappy owners on the breed of the dog.

My dog hates white people

a saturday night special and a desert eagle can both kill people… but i’ll take my chances getting shot by the saturday night special. i expected this response because its the same typical response people always give about pit bulls. fuck em… if they fuck around near me or my dog or family they are gettin two in the head. game over

but see you brought up the problem… irresponsible owners…you should have to have a permit to own certain dogs BECAUSE when not in a qualified persons care certain dogs are deadly… can my beagle be deadly…yes, its it likely? no… can a pit bull be deadly? yes …is it likely? yes. the damamge the two can do is extremely different.

can anyone go buy propane? yes…
can anyone go buy freon? no

both are deadly but one requires a special license so why cant the same apply to certain dogs… if fixes the problem related to them… keeps them outta the hands of people that arent responsible enought to have them and in turn you shouldnt hear about them attacking, etc etc…