who says my dogs not cool!







took a day off work today to visit my dad down in wv at his campground…
plus my bro’s home from north dakota with the kids!

had a hell of a day! theres tons of pics but with the storm i was having issue’s uploading

Pitts are the shit…if i was allowed another dog i would get a bull mastif

thats one fine looking bitch :slight_smile:


i thought the first post would be… thats not a pitt! LOL

she’s full blooded… but she’s a pussy! she loves everyone now! i swear she thinks she’s human… she walked around with those glasses on for a while! :cool:

haha, most dogs shake that kind of shit right off there head

my pit = no glasses… must be because we cut his balls off… :love:

pits are teh shit

i want a boxer

my pitt rocks too…anyone who says they are mean dogs are nuts…my dogs a big puss

i guess its all about who there owner is and how good they treat them.

so is the owner :smiley: