Lita - german shepard
Champion 14 years old Mutt
Lita - german shepard
Champion 14 years old Mutt
Rusty… 14 year old bagle mixed with a golden retreiver and a basset hound
you have been gone awhile now???
damn, i thought my mutt was fucked up looking
hold on… you gotta see how tall he is
pretty goofy lookin huh? lol
he had to tie the porkchop around his neck
its the only way to make him look at the camera :eek4dance
atleast he has a tail unlike mine :kekegay:
hahah…if my diggy cam wasnt broke id take some of mine…its like a pittbull boxer mutt
badass! i always loved boxers
u but shes a total idiot…she runs away from everybody… :dunno:
might as well been a pussy then
cats suck.
you suck
SHE is a pussy…hahahah…but shes cool…she loves running…take her to a open feild and she will run forever!!!
![ 112.jpg]( 112.jpg)
![ 114.jpg]( 114.jpg)
please resize :spank:
these are my dogs Jake(he’s 1yr. old) on the left and Sam(6 yr. old.) on the right well Jake went with my ex-stepfather when my mom and him split up last oct. :jerkit: but whatever I miss him
cool dog