thanks sam knows about twenty different trick
An Australian Sheperd about 10 Months old now. He has been a great dog!
Trying to go through the cat door to the bedroom!
Orange cat was Simba He just passed away a couple months ago :crying:
Black cat is Cleo she is just an interesting one to watch
man there is so much pussy in this thread I think it needs a NWS tag :kekegay:
Heh, westies?
Mine just passed away at 14 this week
I dont have any pics of my cats… the one is a fucking terror… my sister doesnt let him outside. He’s a persian and a fluffy bastard.
that cat looks PISSED! :dunno:
Beagles > *
You guys still planning on having pups for sale in the early summer? I still want first dibs on a female
I’m going to have Golden retriever pups for sale around teh beginning of the summer…
well, i’m not going to, but my parents are… my mom will give you this whole speal about how they are registered AKC full blood, blah, blah, blah,… which i know is important to a lot of ppl, but i dunno the whole thing… so… now ya know if you were wondering…
PM me if you want the #… dunno what they’ll sell them for, but they used to sell them dirt cheap compared to other places… like 250 for a male and 300 for a female… but i dunno about that for sure… so don’t quote me
beagles are cool, only thing that annoys me is when they bark constantly
Yeah, that is annoying… Mine never barks, shes wierd. She’ll bark when she sees a rabbit, but other than that, never… Other dogs barking, loud noises, etc… Never barks.
They are so damn loyal though (beagles). Thats why I love them. I’ve had a couple of different breeds, including Rottweilers who are loyal beyond belief, and Beagle’s are better.
my old boss has 2 dobbermans, very very loyal
yep, she just went into heat last week
Nice :bigthumb:
Golden retrievers are incredibly faithful… very playful, yet can be very laid back… personally i dont think i’d get any other kind of dog… if i had the time to properly take care of one, i’d definitely get one off of my parents… My dog was bread w/ a reddish golden retriever too, so there should be 1 or two that have a more reddish fur… not to talk about them like cars, but the reddish ones are pretty rare… I’d suggest them to anyone, no matter what type of dog you’re looking for… they are increidbly smart and depending on how you train them, they can be protective, hunting dogs, playful, anything… great for little kids!
o well… enough ranting
Heres the 2 dogs and the guinea pig… im too lazt to take pics of the cat, the gecko, and the fish
Here is my fishes. The black one is named Poisson and the other one is Pesci. Real origional on the names, I know. They are both goldfish of unknown species.
well, she is a dog…
Bosworth, Johnson American Bulldog, 7 y.o. 175 lbs, he’d be a good junkyard watch dog…and he drools a LOT
Jinxx (hence my SN) She’s 9 y.o., 75 lbs, American Bulldog (no mastiff in her like Boz has) She rules the roost:
Delilah in Daddy’s blueprints:
This is for size reference, what happens when my husband sits in Boz’s spot…
Really good watch dogs, I do not fear someone breaking into our home…they’d have to be idiots hahaha
^ that is the coolest pic
MAstiff bulldog…haha, very cool. I see where the slobber comes from now