Has anyone been hit with a large amount of spam in their Gmail latley?
Seems like the past week I get about 5-10 messages a day that come in my inbox.
Has anyone been hit with a large amount of spam in their Gmail latley?
Seems like the past week I get about 5-10 messages a day that come in my inbox.
Its getting annoying.
Yep, huge amounts of spam have been getting through.
Most of the ones I have been getting are with RTF attachments.
Just keep clicking the spam button, and don’t open the attachments lol.
at least 10 a day in my inbox, and a bout a billion in my spam folder.
i actually made a new gmail account because of this… i was getting a ridiculous amount of spam in my original account. such a pain
stupid spam
Ya the spam folder fills up pretty wild but the last week I have been getting about 10-15 a day in my inbox that are obviously spam. They seem to include my email in the body so I wonder if its just a new wave that has been crawling gmail accounts.
i havent gotten any so i dont know what your talking about. lol
YES, wtf. Where is it all coming from?
I dont get virtually any spam in my gmail account. I have 8, count it 8 total spam emails. and thats from the beginning of April.
my spam folder is empty
I get a lot of “spam” type messages, but they’re from websites that I signed up for stupid shit on, and I maybe get 10-15 a day. I STILL get careerbuilder.com alerts lol
Stop signing up for free porn websites.
I think jeff(GEEHEE) sold my email adress
I have not got anymore than the norm (that hurt to type)
Yes!! I thought I messed up and gave my email address to the wrong company. Usually gmail is excellant with filtering spam. Thanks nyspeed I was about to call the doctors office that I gave my address to.
Maybe google decided to make a few bucks and let a couple through?
I only use my gmail account for personal emails, never for websites, etc. I never get spam that gets through its filter.
Thats what I was worried about too. I wanted to see if its a new wave of spam or if it was just my email that got on some list.