Go Steelers

Great game!

:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :steelers:

i’m saving that pic lol

haha i did it for you because you said something about that :slight_smile:

lol thanks…thats going as my wallpaper

wheres the Steeler/Cowher haters now?

On the CBS Sports Desk Panel and on the FOX Sports Desk Panel (except Bradshaw, he picked the Steelers :steelers: )

I was close :slight_smile: :mrT:

dude i highly doubt that…1st and goal…who else would u give the ball to…that was his first fumble all year!!!


i was in Saint Lucia’s airport with about 100 other guys crowded around the ONE small tv in there…only saw the first half but my flight attendant was a colts fan and told me the final as soon as it happened since she seen my steelers shirt… :steelers: :steelers: :steelers:

All Luck…

shannon sharpe can continue sucking cock.

oh, r u talkin about the time when they didnt call the false start, but let indy walk across the line and disrupt the play but let the play reset w/o calling offsides, encroachment or some sort of nuetral-zone infraction…ya that was sweet. the colts really got screwed on that one. :rolleyes: and the INT, and the no-call on the pass interference on Randle el early in the game when we couldve had 1st and goal already up 14-0. STFU


that the Colts were let back in

yea bad luck, like Bettis’ fumble…like Palomalu’s called back interception/fumble/recovery!! Woman, get back in the kitchen and make me some hot wings!! u obviously know nothing about football.

The Steel Curtain Steeler defense sacked the fuck out of MAnning, contained him in the pocket and he had nowhere to throw all night long. Thats not luck thats some championship caliber defense…aw yea :steelers:

someone had to throw some anti-steeler comments in here somewhere… :bigok:

:rofl: sharpe is such a :tool: i bet he’s going to pick Denver over the Steelers b/c he used to play for them…oh wait…EVERYONE is going to pick against the steelers!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

such a f’in tool… x382479837492875938473984
