God I hate my customers

So i just had a call. Guy placed an ad a year or so ago and paid $7 for it. Already im pissed because this is totally not worth my time. Since then the rates have gone up to $9, so when I tell him this, he totally flips out. Starts swearing at me, and saying its too much money. Now keep in mind hes selling a $900 A/c unit.

I fucking swear 90% of the ppl I talk to are like this. It only gives me more motivation to do well in school and continue to grad school so I can end this shit ASAP. I swear, I dont understand how ppl do meaningless shit like this their whole lieve…

I loved that! Well, this isn’t ClassifiedsCharity.

what do you sell advertisements for?

who do you sell advertisements for?

I work for a company that represents about 200+ newspapers, we do all their classified asvertising. It blows


edit: that website is BS. They dont give 2 shits about their employees. Other than being paid well for an wasy job its a shitty place to work…

Is Moshaniqua still there in her palace?

no she broke her leg and is on disability.

She probably broke it due to her overwhelming ghetto-ness

she broke her leg and so she can’t answer calls?


when he swears at u, hang up on him.

Most call-centers won’t let you hang up unless you warn them 3 times. :tdown:

We can give 1 warning, then ::click::. Also, if any of us get uncomfortable on a call, we can hang up at any time and inform a supervisor. I guess I’m lucky.

lol wtf does everyone work there now?

Well seeing as I may be working there…dont tell me this shit lol. BTW…you get a chance to talk to em bout me?

put an add for my car in there, I’ll give you $100 when it sells.

So i found the solution to my problems…

a bunch of :beer: before work = a :smiley: carl!


and jack, closest I can do is crotchester or toronto, if you want ill get some prices for you. Should be hella cheap…

I don’t miss workin in a call center one bit.

At least you can hang up. I have to be face to face with uppity rich bitches in Clarence while they pick out paint colors. I get the nastiest looks when I offer help for them picking out colors for their shitty fabrics they bring in.

lol trust me it doesnt get better, it gets worse. Expecialy in the field your going in.

Just start talking broken english. Or give them some other number to call if they have more questions/complaints.

Half of the customers I tell to call the state or irs are because they proved my time was worth more than theirs by being rude or not learning english before they called me.