Golf Outing July 3

depends on what tires the golfcarts have, and if the carts are running 36 volt electricity or the higher octane 48 volt

im bringing my zex kit that fits all

Ill have 2 of them, the big bottles

I used to have it… But the almighty Quikness needs it. It is like his kryptonite for his competion


I’m in

he’s mine^^^^^^

^^^^ noooo he’s team VW!!! haha

last year we cleaned up

tru… I am thinking of just doing the team selection out of a hat… put everyones names in and go from there.

he dont have a vw, he has a dumastic :moon:

do you still need people to play???/

there is 2 slots open still

if im on pant ballah team couint me in!!!

im not going with shitter tipper again!

haha… he is not even coming… I will add you in and see what I can do. we need one more person and i will make the teams complete

ok i got you one more person

me and barton form emage will play!!!

Damnit, P8nt ballr is team ford!

not,he’s mine:gaysex:

[QUOTE=PewterSS]not,he’s mine:gaysex:[/QUOTE


alright golf outing is full!