Goodyear Blimp Captured By Motherfuckin' Terrorists

boooo, worst photoshop of the year???

Ehh… Maybie not that horrible…

May have been funny this time last year when Snakes on a plane was just coming out?

Yeah, I really shouldn’t make posts after a lot of drinking. This was quite sub-par even by my standards.

Which are pretty damn low. I totally disapprove of this thread.

I forgive you fuzzy


Yeah, I really shouldn’t make posts after a lot of drinking. This was quite sub-par even by my standards.

Which are pretty damn low. I totally disapprove of this thread.


You didn’t even change the date on the movie… For shame…

“Snakes on the motherfuckin blimp !!!” lol, I like it

WTF is up with the two tails


WTF is up with the two tails


I think there is 2 snakes

Ok after review, I feel kind of guilty about my post, I guess what saves this is the local activity of the goodyear blimp.

I saw it “parked” at the airport a few days ago and then in the sky later and it just got me thinking, you know what I guess I can relate to that post maybe.

Dont get too down on yourself, this is why pencils have erasers…

Way to be that guy Josh. Ha.