google finally went down my street!,+Butler,+PA+16001&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=53.035373,114.169922&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=208+S+Chestnut+St,+Butler,+Pennsylvania+16001&ll=40.859282,-79.900496&spn=0.012496,0.027874&z=16&layer=c&cbll=40.859371,-79.900486&panoid=GiSvPl0ABcL28Ba1KsdgnQ&cbp=12,239.25,,0,5.35


Is that a 100S/A6? Can’t tell with the wide angle lens action.

ha that is pretty neat

Nice J. You guys have a decent size lot up there.

its an A6… I still have it unfortunately.

…not we, “I”. FML i run it all by my lonesome

yAy stop the internet