Google SMS

Been using this for a while, thought I would let everyone else know about it. I have Google (46645) in my contact list which makes me look like a huge nerd when people are browsing through my phone.

You can do some cool shit with this tho. I usually use it to find out the times a movie is playing, and all I have to do is text message google with this: <zipcode> <name of movie>. Getting driving directions is pretty cool too. Check out the link above for other cool shit you can do.

Google = Skynet.


This week SMS, next week launching nukes at Russia.

pretty schweet

its better than $1.50 411 charge

skynet was a sweet game. my first LAN experience

bump this; somehow i just found out about this. :gotme:

i can’t believe that you can lookup definitions of words, translate, get stock quotes, weather, etc, etc.

here’s the how-to page: :tup:

