google + vw

Volkswagen of America Inc., said Friday it is working on a prototype vehicle which features Google Inc.'s satellite mapping software to give drivers a bird’s eye view of the road ahead.


and I’m working on a prototype that flies and goes 500mph running only on farts.

It’ll be news when its done :tounge:

don’t be mad because GM is like 8 years behind on technology…

great another gadget to distract people while they are driving.

sounds cool…but people are idiots.

how do you know I’m not working for GM with my fart powered flying machine? Maybe everyone else is 8 years behind and they don’t even know it yet!!


idiots can kill themselves with a paperclip… the device doesn’t make someone wreck… someone not having the ability to do more than one thing does…

but yeah… it’ll cause problems when every car has them.

true but since 95% of the population can not miltitask its a problem…lol

i think the main problem is paying attention…most people don’t & thats one main things about driving.
& it doesn’t help that car manufacturers are making you feel like your anywhere else but in a car.

google maps on my phone rocks

great another gadget VW will overcharge for and then not support if something goes wrong with it… even when its under warranty

never had this issue…next time you go to the dealer take me with you…

but this is pretty sweet…instead of having a navi this is even better…I’d hit it…or I will…we’ll c it’s only about 5 yrs out of production I bet…<reality mass production>