Got a Hatch? I got Kouki Tails! Some cheap, some a bit more.

$SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD Mint shape, like new. Near brand new condition. Freshly waxed and polished.
Comes with pigtails, so wiring is a breeze! Also, these are famous. Liam Kirby taillights. TELL YO FRIENDS.

Then, for you cheap fucks, I have a set of BRAND NEW Ricer kouki tails. HOWEVER. With about 15$ of material, some masking tape, and a head on your shoulders, some duplicolour metalcast, voila, you could red these out and paint the centre black! and KINDA have the same thing! Great if you enjoy wall tapping, or just dont give a fuck. They are cool in japan see link :

WHOA. $125 dollars. Not 100, not 110, $125 bucks. I even have the box. I love box. theres a pic.


KOUKI TAILS FOR EVERYBUDGET (unless your broke and dont have 125$(


i wanntt i wannttt


kouki jdm tails sold! 125$units still remain!