LOL America is doomed.
Or poised for me to take it over. :snky:
LOL America is doomed.
Or poised for me to take it over. :snky:
[11:18] adam \: i’m hoping for the best
[11:18] christian: me too.
[11:20] adam \: some of the neanderthals on nyspeed could ruin it though
[11:20] christian: i know
[11:20] christian: i was just saying that to dan.
[11:20] christian: [11:01] sprocketbash411: where’d you get this?
[11:02] sprocketbash411: was it on nyspeed
[11:02] sprocketbash411: because then i’m not going to sign up
[11:02] Dan Baranowski: yeah it was
[11:02] Dan Baranowski: why are you not signing up
[11:02] sprocketbash411: because i don’t want to be lumped into everyone signing up and starting threads like:
[11:02] sprocketbash411: EMO IS FOR FAGZ
[11:03] Dan Baranowski: do you want to start I HATE EVERYONE threads?
[11:03] sprocketbash411: haha
[11:04] sprocketbash411: you know what i mean though?
[11:04] Dan Baranowski: yeah
[11:04] sprocketbash411: people like 01audis4
[11:04] Dan Baranowski: ugh
[11:04] sprocketbash411: who have ZERO sense of humor
Why are emo dudes so tiny? Like can you not be emo if you arent under 140lbs or something?
This is a terrible joke:
Anyways you can be emo if you are over that weight, but at that point you are called an EMOO. god that was terrible :rolljerk:
This is the worst idea an emo kid could ever come up with…
If your not already a big enough target in day to day life because of your girl pants and terrif hair, now you can make yourself vulnerable to every e-thugg in the free world.
oh wow.
this could be the end of the year “i own a masarati, really a shitty white mustang” kid feat. it will probably be screwed up by someone though
might as well paint a bullseye
This is a terrible joke:
Anyways you can be emo if you are over that weight, but at that point you are called an EMOO. god that was terrible :rolljerk:
I don’t know what’s worse: That you made that joke or that I laughed at it. :picard: :mamoru:
This is a terrible joke:
Anyways you can be emo if you are over that weight, but at that point you are called an EMOO. god that was terrible :rolljerk:
can someone make some sort of spam-grenade of pictures of happy people we can launch at the website? these people need to just jump off a bridge and save us all the hassle
No way dude then what social group will we make fun of?
true… can we still launch the smiling faces spam-grenade?
my body is trembling with excitement.
i can’t even bring myself to register an account for fear of never logging off.
every thread i’ve read is a goldmine. my day rules from here on out, and all because of these confused emo kids
also if you didnt know, this is the emo smiley face:
HHAHAHAHAH this is fucking priceless. Every thread is gold.
Im not gonna lie, I dont think I have actually met an "emo"kid. I have met a lot of people who dress, “scene” but never anyone who acts the part. But then again, I grew up in Williamsville, there really isn’t much to be sad about.
I love you too, Dad
I stand alone on the edge of the shadows
Watching as they pass me by
All those motherfuckers
Who are always asking why
“Why do you dress like a faggot?” they say,
“You are my only son, why must you act like you are gay”
Always silent, I keep my mouth shut
But in the dead of the night, I deliver the cut
Out of my veins flow a gushing stream
The release feels so good, like a teenage wet dream
My family will never know the extent of this pain,
So forever in the shadows, I am forced to remain