newman, is that you?

i am not emo.
if you think i am.
then you don’t know what emo is.

the vid wont load for me tho.

you people need to stop saying emo.

you couldn’t even name a single band. your whole image is off.

looks like that beckington kid

dude… what is wrong with that dude? lol I dont have sound here… but it looks as if he was twitching or something lol

looks like Paxton really captured it



that beckington kid isn’t really emo,

I saw him yesterday, he was all happy and shit WTF, not scars on his wrists :tdown:

where are all the real emo kids in wny?

silly emos

lol anyone remember the cingular “razr” phone mothers day commercial?

“get your mother the razr she really wants”… could make a good emo parody


It kinda does look like beck
Just a little
he said nothing about beck being sad or cutting himself
or being “emo” to that matter

I spent about 20 seconds watching that
and i want them back

hhaha, half funny, half a waste. i like the way he types lol

When exactly did goth change its name to emo? :gotme:

I thought it was great.