Is it Halloween already?

I forced myself to go to the mall last night to buy new jeans and
I saw people with black eyes.
I think it was costume night at the mall and the theme was “racoon”.
They all had black hair and were all wearing black clothes and I could not tell whether they were male or female.
I don’t know maybe it was zombie night.

no its emo, the new cool

maybe they were in disguise and didn’t want people to know who they were. a better guess would be that they were headed toward like Hot Topic or something!!!:hang:


fucking sad, aint it?

next time to run into one, go up to them and whisper “real emo’s bleed black”



you prob saw my sister :sad:


EMO = new name for Goths? Sounds like more of the same shit…

that look is hardly emo.
those were goth kids.

i went to a party last night and there was a dude kinda dressed like that. I forget the name of his new band,s omeone told me it was something popular. But I guess he was a backup singer for papa roach

anyway, the kid is nuts. he started cutting himself with a razor blade, then got wasted and passed out, bleeding all over my friends couch.

that’s what I think about. "Hmm, what am I gonna do tonight? maybe I’ll go to a party and cut myself

^^ Damn sounds like a fun ass time.:bloated:

you should have given him a sharper blade and help him drag it across his wrists. freak.

Anyone wanna go drink some goat blood and cook some little kittys

What mall was it?

i dunno bout some people…

The day one of my kids tries to walk out of the house dressed like that…

Emo kids… sigh everyone of them will say the last one isnt a TRUE emo kid… :roll:

Seriously… do us all a favor and slit your wrists already… if you cant afford the blade (which judging by your haircut and clothing appearance, it might be a possiblity) let me know and I’ll buy you a 5 pack… so even if you mess up a few times youll have another few chances…

blah… let them be

"I am in a glass cage of emotion! "

seriously… Goth kids are the popped pink collars of the “alternative crowd” or whatever those kids call themselves these day…

THE SCENE YO! Stay true to the SCENE

why does everyone use/think of the same stereo type

if you ask me its fucking dumb…i bet you picture emo music like pussy shit like dashboard

when most of these “emo” kids listen to bands nothing like that

and how a person dresses or looks is no indication of how rich or poor they are…i know a few kids that dress “emo” and have tons of money

its kinda like saying all people that listen to metal worship the devil

i just hate stereotypes and all teh bull shit with them