Got my new cars.

Decided I would show you guys my new collection. :E

My LORD!! :partyman:

I’ll be renting them out for a small fee.You have to send me the money first though :lol:

Money in advance? Maybe Rob will be interested? :E

… is it too soon to be joking about that?

Damn, that semi truck is NICE!

what is the one on the top at the back of the truck? above the orange Zonda and behind the orange lambo?

Money in advance? Maybe Rob will be interested? :E

… is it too soon to be joking about that?[/quote]


I am still a little tender about it.

But Mmmmmmmm Zonda.

It is a Koenigsegg.

I new I recognized it but just couldn’t quite put my finger on it!

Hope whoever has that truck has some really good insurance! The ussual 1million in liability won’t quite do the trick here!

Holy christ. Imagine what insurance would be paying out if that thing went off of a cliff. :o

wow thats like sex on 18 wheels. i wonder if those are one guys cars?

just think what it would be like to be the truck driver of those cars you would be so scared to mess up the guy probley has heart problems