Got new exhaust for my bike Yo

Does it spin?!

yes, it spins


it’s kind of cool, but at the same time, so friggen lame.

Can you mount those on the hood of the lotus? James bond styles?

i am putting this on my car

those would look sooo funny sticking out of the back of teh lotus

too bad u cant make the bike backfire each time a chamber comes up… like antilag for bikes… BAP BAP BAP hahaha

wastegate dump on a turbo car = fire

I’m removing the bugeyes, and foglights from the wagon, and running four of these, one for each cylinder out the front.


I’m removing the bugeyes, and foglights from the wagon, and running four of these, one for each cylinder out the front.


that would actually be quite funny and not that much of a PITA to plumb up(na)… would make a funny drift exhibiton car

spinner wheels :tdown: Spinner exhaust :tdown:

Mount that up on the bmw :hitit:


and the two guys selling them on Speed looked kinda :gay: