grape fall (vid)

grape fall

so damn funny… yet i felt bad, cause i thought she was dying

-most likely repost

as old as the internet’s themselves.

OMFG!!! Its so bad to laugh but holly fuck between the noises she made and her falling i couldnt fucking stop laughing.

yeah dude i was laughing then stopped and was like holy shit she may be dying for real

very well may have been the first video i discovered on the internet. i can thank ebaumsworld for that…

OOHHHH!!! Roffl’ed pretty hard at that one too. Nothing like getting the wind knocked out of you and possibly bruising your spine:D

i didn’t even watch this and i know what video it is. probably my favorite internet video of all time.

hell i’ll watch it again just because i know how hilarious it is!

the title makes it even funnier!!!

also my fav video of internet time

i wouldnt go that far, its not that great

Did anyone link the family guy episode where stewie does this?

thats great, I want to see it! I love american culture

^^^^ Ive never seen that one! HAHAHAHA

is this the fat check that falls off the stand and makes a fucked up noise?

yes haha

hah just when i thought ive seen all the family guy episodes

it sounds like shes taking it up the ass with no lube