greddy td05h 18g 8cm2 turbo

Asking Price: $ 550
Condition: Used for 200kms
Location: Crystal beach, ON (near crystal beach)
Will Ship?: Y at buyers expense, will be around $20-25 within ontario
Contact Info: Send PM for contact details and to schedule a meet

the turbo is in really good shape tho, with few kms on it, no dented or knicked fins, and no signs of leaks. the turbo has very minimal shaft play and the turbine spins very freely.

the beauty about greddy mistu turbos is that they are easily rebuildable.

this turbo is rated for hp upto 450.

mods, i have pm`d you

Hey man I am sick of you sending me msg and talking about me WITHOUT YOU EVEN KNOW, I paid $650 and if you like it or not it’s your problem, IF YOU DON’T LIKE THE DEAL COME TO MY HOME WITH MY MONEY AND ALL MY PARTS BECAUSE I am not driving to your fucking home anymore!

look at the dte the firts owner was selling it, it’s was APRIL that was 8 MONTHS OLD!

Looks like your the one lying. The serial numbers on the turbos match. Unless of course serial number are not unique

He bought this turbo from me along with some other parts recently. He paid $650 with a couple extra bits that I packed with it. He is a good guy and he knew what it was worth when he bought it. The turbo is worth every penny and I don’t know why you think that he gave you a bad deal. It doesn’t matter what the seller paid, what matters is what you agree on for a sale or trade. Thus us the nature of selling used parts. Doesn’t mean its not worth it.

DKfab is a good seller and buyer, I wouldn’t hesitate to do business with him again. A+

pm sent jdmride

i dont have a problem with fab. i just dont like being lied to.

and i had to post my intro or else i would have had 100 sonner’s on my back telling me i cant sell this for 550 since fab onyl paid 350.

case closed

PM sent to dk_fabiosantos and Matty.

No further discussion here guys. Keep this a sale thread.

Would you trade a genuine Garrett 50 trim? with no shaft play and polished compressor cover? let me know…

birthday bump

21 today woot!

hey guys, I’ve got a sr20det red top , i need a new FMIC, and an ecu. can u guys get back to me about whats best to buy and where. Also, I wanted to some 18" rims for my car, Ive dropped my car 2.2" and would love to widen the back out with spacers, will i get rubbing? if yes, what can i do about that?


close her down