Group Buy on AK47's

I might actually buy one to see how it is. Hard time of year with the holidays approaching. Too bad the group buy couldn’t be extended till tax return time…

I am hesistant since reading some reviews on this particular model. Seemed to be mixed, but I think it would be worth buying, especially if you tweak it a little. I think I also read somewhere that later production ones are a little better?

Anyone have any first hand experience with thsese?

Check out -

I Have this model. It works great, no jams very accurate. Hard to mess up the AK designed gun.

We just locked in the price at $399+tax since we have 8 people signed up…

Here are the price breakdowns based on what you want:

AK47: $430.92

AK47 + Machinework: $474.12

30R Preban Magazines: $17.28

Man I wish I had the extra cash right now :banghead

Sweet! I am going to run this by my girl. Maybe she will pay half for x-mas or something.

Bump! We’ve extended this for another week :slight_smile: If you’re interested in one, please let me know ASAP!