Guess I'm a n00b.


uh oh. damn VWVortex lurkers.

that’s the one i was gonna post.

No Jenn… that is me! I think I’ve gained weight since then though!

pics??? we’ve only seen one :frowning:

ok… go for it… I said if someone had them they could post them… i guess.


Post away eurodad!!!

Mike’s hiding them.

I’m in the middle… like I said… an early 90’s tennis hoe.

jail bait

yeah and we believe that u dont know where they are :smiley:

i hope you’re on the left :boink

Edit: nevermind.

can’t you people read


girl on the left = teh win

On the left is my great friend Miste… she was at Hooters on Friday with some friend of hers named Tony? ? ? I think? ? ?

EDIT: I am almost 20… haha… not Jail Bait… I’m legal!

blue she aint jail bait…shes my age…20 well shes not yet but soon