newb post


this is wags. just finally signed up so i can personally thank you guys for letting me be a part of the pinks project.

so here is my intro post.

i drive whatever. currently driving hondas, but have had to many cars to list.

once again, thanks for letting me help out.


Welcome wags, so you and pewterss are in a ltr for now?

whats up wags its about time you join the pittspeed family

welcome hippo :beer:

get that bitch tussy on here!!!




welcome wags, i want to thank you for all your help
Right Stuff and heater hose FTW

fucking wags for president!!!

welcome thanks for everything

what up wags!

WAGS!!! Has all the answers till some bitch tells him to shove a nitrous bottle up his ass! :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

or calls him “boy”

welcome wags

I :love: wages he saved the day

welcome wags



Welcome Wags, long time no see.

welcome the the board wags.

She scared me.

Welcome to the board and good job with the tire! I thought we were done for. For the second time!