Guest moderator: Katar for November..

If you don’t make dollars you don’t make sense. LOL.
All bullshit aside, if the site loses money why the fuck stay open? I know hosting for something this active and all the changes they made to the framework was TONS of work and/or TONS of money.
For the record…I’m not a hater, even if they were making lots of money. In fact I’d rather be hearing they were because it bothers me to think all that effort doesn’t translate into profit. 8/

Guys, let me add that I actually used to run a website that was a forum/chat/discussion/community thing that was designed to make money from ads, and I know how hard it was to make money.

Getting members was damn near impossible, and even though we brought in some revenue through Adsense, it didn’t even come close to what we spent on advertising and whatnot.

In the end we pulled the plug and just said it was good experience for us.

What I’m saying is, I would find it hard to believe that this site makes tons of profit, like some people have alleged. No offense to the site, but as I demonstrated, I know firsthand how hard it is.

beleive it or not, they do it because they care about the hobby, they also do it because they can, and because if they didnt no one else probably would. Everything they have done was to try to build the community. They moderate loosely because in the past heavy moderating caused people to bitch about censorship and all of that. All their moderating style does is allow everyone to appear exactly as they are on here. People can be the douchebag they really are without their posts getting deleting for making someone sad…it’s similar to how terrible America has gotten to the point where we have to give someone who takes last place in something a trophy so they can feel good about themselves. This is why people that suck don’t know they suck, because as a society we create a disallusioned world where it’s ok not to succeed. “it’s ok, you tried hard” “you’ll get 'em next time” “you did your best and that’s all that counts”. fuck all that, if you lost its becuase you suck or didnt try hard enough.

I’m gonna have to shutup because I’m gonna end up getting WAYYYYY too far into this haha.

No. Every year honda crx people drive across the country to have meets in canada. thats ONE CAR and they get 100s of people for one weekend one meet. Once upon a time I was part of that scene, and thought their forum being overly moderated was a bad thing. Back when I was a noob to forums. Now looking back at it, there needs to be those rules in place or people will not act how they normally act in person.

People are flaming tools online in every thread on here because they can be, they dont do that shit in person or at meets. People crack jokes have laughs, have fun, not walk around bashing the shit out of each other at a meet.
Again, thats why nobody stays, it has nothing to do with the man keeping people down, it has to do with how the forum is run.

Oh no, adults have to act like adults. thats the end of the fucking world. I’m all about kicking someone for being fucking blatently stupid with hacked mods etc, but to flame someone in serious threads is tired, its weak and its why there are no members left.

How bad does nyspeed have to suck for an entire forum of members to quit when they took over?

Trust me, I’m not looking for a shitstorm bro. I too own/run a forum, albeit now inactive and never the level of this place. Like Fade said…it’s no piece of cake and the odds are stacked pretty against making money. I also understand that there is no winning with moderation. If you do mod you’re “mod nazis” and if you don’t you’re letting people get away with anything. There are some people on here that have an extra long leash due to friendships. That’s part of life…I’m not bitching about it. It is what it is and this is the interwebz, not to be taken seriously. Everyone acts at least a lil different with their online persona.

I totally agree with how lame the “no loser” way America has gone. Reminds me of a old memory that proved early on life wasn’t fair. I was in a fishing competition as a young kid and all day I was eyeing up this radio as the prize I wanted to win. It was 1st place picks first right, so I won the MF and won the radio right? NOPE, I won but there was a girl in the competition and because she was a girl she got to pick first. What the fuck do you think she choose as the prize? CUNT!!! Life isn’t fair but life goes on. :wink:

Wait wait wait wait wait…hold the fucking phone…There is something wrong with Nyspeed???

lol Why can’t you troll on a working schedule? Try it only on the week days for a month.

Edit: srsly though, I have no issue with Nyspeed. The “frat”, the trolls, the auto guys, the OT guys, the lack of possibilities for meets etc etc.

I do think though that your acceptance of your troll status is only in result of everyone’s opinion of you. I do not think for one second that you planned this out at all.

I know I’m feeding your troll hunger here but again… refer to the list of things I don’t fucking care about lol. It’s officially Winter/OT nyspeed season :slight_smile:

fucking LOL lololol thumbs up

Do you take yourself this seriously in person?