Guest moderator: Katar for November..

No, I do not want a village in the Uttara Kannada district of Karnataka, India to be moderator.

google, making someone smater everyday

I thought it was a misspelling of Qatar

Smarter. For God’s sake man.


When the weather outside is frightful…

Thanks for picking that up for him Leroy. Somethings are done with meaning…

If I was a moderator I’d be part of the problem. Trust me the people who need to make the changes are above the mods charity grade.

Its not difficult to fix a forum that everyone but a few fucking sheep with no lives outside of nyspeed has agree’d has plummeted down hill.

the only changes to improve this place have happened off the forum, ie onxy making meets / stickers.

The new layout fucking sucks, and has since its been put on the forum, wheres feedback? WHERES FEEDBACK? you lazy ass mother fuckers haven’t fixed anything.
Why is there flaming in offtopic? why not have a car forum full of posts that are actual informative? Why not let the members who refuse to grow up and act adult go shit up forums who base thier entire forum life on being a shit show?

What purpose does it have here besides running off 99.9999% of new members. Registering an account lurking and posting once a fucking year, dosen’t count as new members, or members sticking around. Nobody on this forum even gives half a fuck about cars anymore besides a select few.

Change the name of the forum from nyspeed to nytalkabunchofshitinofftopic

its pretty fucking sad when build threads on a fucking car forum have to be locked because you cant even control yuor fucking members. Talk all the shit you want back staffys, you could be using that wasted time to fix this place for the better. It was a money grab, we all know it, or justa4doors offer to buy the place would have been accepted. Fine let it be a money grab, your fucking paid supporters would gladly like a forum full of traffic that MIGHT actually buy something car related.

don’t make me a mod just get off your fucking asses and fix offtopic so serious discussion can happen on a normal adult basis. None of you fucking tools who act like tools all over the forum, act like that shit in person. Grow the fuck up. Fix the shit show of a forum instead of beating around the bush about it, taking flaming away cant hurt anything.

Infact it will stop people from bitching about nyspeed anwsers, and all the bullshit. It would be nice for all my posts to be quality, instead of trolling this fucking shit hole on purpose hoping one day the fucking staff will see the fucking light and change the rules that have been failed since the place was established.

Im very active on other forums, and spend lengthy time making write ups, and anwsering tons of questions for people about jeeps etc without any of the issues this forum has.
go figure.

Gotta admit…this made me LOL.

What issues? You don’t like Off-Topic…simple…don’t view it.

The best thing to do is stop bitching about mods and the site and ignore the drama. The staff allow some people (their friends) to say whatever they want here (and on other forums). No it’s not fair…but life isn’t fair. Bitching about it clearly won’t get you anywhere and is not productive. When people bully or tease they are seeking a reaction. If you don’t give a reaction there is no reward and teasing becomes less enticing. If every time they pick on you, you make a thread about how bad it is here you’ll be picked on even worse as we’re seeing today.

The ad campaigns must be paying off or the vendors wouldn’t continue shelling out $. There is alot of traffic here and whether it’s a “money grab” or not doesn’t matter. It’s a privately owned site and the owners are running a business. That’s the main reason to run a business…to make money. They don’t owe anyone anything and to expect them to change and conform to anyone else’s desires is just not realistic. Drama brings boards traffic, this is fact. To have a straight up factual, question & answer forum your traffic will be dismal, you won’t make any money and then what’s the point. It’s like they say…there’s no such thing as bad publicity.

Karter, maybe you should start your own forum and show them how it’s done???

You could call it

Dude, karter, or arch angel, you are the only one bitching. No one really cares, but you. Get a fucking life.

Lol, arch angel.

I’m not so sure Josh bought this site to make money…

pay attention pizza boy, plenty of people are bitching, just none of the university of buffalo kids, who live in fucking shit hole apartments in hamburg.

---------- Post added at 10:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:41 AM ----------

and if you want further proof the staff sucks, there are 5 perma banned members who post on a regular basis on the forum.

Me calling the staff out on thier bullshit and them doing nothing proves how pussy the staff is.

BAN ME. do it fuckers, because when it happens, I still win. I miss rx3, I woulda been gone a long time ago. Sad the only mods who actually policed the forum had to quit because they werent getting the support from the rest of the shit bag staff.

as for the supporters spending pennys to advertise, its 100% write off comes back on the taxes, dosen’t cost them a dime, so even if it gets 2 customers in the door, its worth it.
Ask anyone with a business if they would rather 100 people who wont be customers see thier add, or 10 people who will be customers, which they will pick?

---------- Post added at 10:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:45 AM ----------

They see me trollin’

Dude. If you’re referring to the ritz,

  1. I haven’t lived there in over 2 years
  2. That place was fucking awesome.

Also, for the second time, I don’t deliver pizzas anymore.

Many great times were had at that “shithole” you don’t have to be so jelly all the time

---------- Post added at 10:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:54 AM ----------

I wasnt refering to one person or place.

this is actually really annoying…and all you guys that think this place is MAKING PROFIT are fucking NUTS! I know most of the owners in person, and only becuase I was active in the meets, BBQ’s, trackdays, etc…I even had the pleasure of working for Josh’s valet company for quite some time…and through all of that it became pretty fucking obvious that all the money that they collect here from vendors and advertisers and whatnot barely make a dent in the money that they spend when they organize an event…If you guys knew how much money Onyx and Bing threw away to try to have a well-done automotive event you’d shit bricks. IIRC for the one season when we had trackdays at dunnville like every 3 weeks, josh and bing payed something like $15,000 to have exlusive rights to those track days for the season, and then those $100 trackday spots they sold never made up for what they spent…and guess what, they didnt bitch about it becuase everyone raved about how awesome that summer of trackdays was. Everyone bitching about this place going “downhill” need to look at the bigger picture…it’s not the forum’s fault that 90% of the places/events we used to frequent have been closed down, made unavailable, or changed thier focus to the point where we don’t have the same options we used to for this place to continue to be strong in the automotive hobby.

TMP were a bunch of assholes to us
dunnville got closed down becuase rich people bought houses next to it and bought their way into local legislature to get what they wanted
carlisle totally shifted focus, and dropped all of their promises to us out of nowhere the eyar after we had the awesome showcase tent
the toronto TGP was cancelled/taken off the schedule
thunderdome has been allowed to become a shitshow by those who run it

that really has only left us with the spring and fall BBQ’s to have automotive meets big enough to be memorable and shit. And the people running this place are ALWAYS trying to come up with new ideas for events and meets… I.E. Tea Leaf meets on tuesdays.

The hobby itself is going downhill overall because the man is trying to keep us down, not the forum…