NYSpeed Should Be...

Plain and simple, NYSpeed IMO should be…

A forum for and about cars and their enthusiasts. A place to enjoy talking to other car lovers. A board where meets can be established, a place with free classifieds and advice on cars, and a place to enjoy the freedom to discuss what you want, as long as appropriate for a group atmosphere. :slight_smile:

how it use to be

better off now.

I made this a poll, I guess you guys are too quick for me…

Not another auchwitz.

i think if beck wants to say some chicks ugly, he should be able to have his own opinion and not be punished for it.

but thats just me :gotme:

People here think I’m an OT whore… but in reality I don’t post any car-related material because I don’t think anyone would be interested in the things I like (mainly domestic and Monte oriented). On other auto forums I’m mainly in the automotive sections and out of “OT”.

I love how the first one adds in its very own survey bias. Good one.

its funny … the most laid back forum i know is for the older street rodders who were driving and racing during the 50’s …

apparently car guys that are “your fathers age” are more laid back then were allowed to be

I don’t think this forum is at all overmoderated. I think it is the complete opposite.

:word: someone acts like a douche in my house, i would throw them out.

a place where I can talk about car related things but also just as much OT as well.

Edit: But obviously with moderation. If someone is an ass, and constantly breaks the rules that are set, they deserve to be banned, pretty simple right? Thats IMO how the forum should be run, but what do i know, I own a gay and slow honduh.

the point is.

racial slurs, and upright disrespect should not be allowed.

saying someone isn’t hot isn’t a big deal.

Brendan…if you had some friends over, and beck said a girl @ your house isn’t hot…you would kick him out?

p.s.- we still need to trade.

How about you give me your side of the deal and ill retract my statement :wink: , and yes i prob would throw someone out for that. My statement goes for anyone acting like an ass fuck. Wasn’t directed totally at him. Just a statement about moderating.

How about you keep this on topic!!!

Obviously we would call him a annoying emo fuck…and then throw him out.

It seems to me the mods on here usually let shit get way out of hand before they do anything…there have been a couple threads on here that have gotten locked because they were boarder line to begin with and then go pushed over the edge…

A simple fix to that last thread were Beck posted shit about the guys girlfriend would be to delete out Becks post…possibley throw some warning in about saying stupid shit and let the thread carry on.

I know I always make the mistake of getting into random fights with JnJ in threads that I shouldnt be…but Howie mentioned something in a thread and now im done…

On another note I hope the mods don’t try to over moderate any racing drama that may take place in kill storys or something with call out related posts.

this is a thing i’ve noticed ALOT on here… even if a thread is posted in OT, it should still STAY ON TOPIC

you know how i feel :wink: lol

people only push the rules more when pushed back … with a lack of moderation people tend to settle down. Lose intrest … you guys keep give Beck the attention he wants … fuel to the fire … Don’t all kids born after 1984 have A.D.D. now?

My opinion. Mods are too nice before they act, people get too comfortable and start saying more and more inconsiderate and/or ignorant things. If someone joins the site and reads some of that stuff, theyre not gonna wanna stay. I’d like to see the site grow, and alot of threads lately have just been plain stupid IMO. Just my 2 cents not flaming anyone.

And i say option 2 - car talk and OT with a good balance, and ALOT of common sense and courtesy used in both areas

exactly. how come EVERYONE else gets warned. Beck doesn’t? And then someone shows blatant disrepstect towards a mod, and gets 3 days. Beck gets 5 months. Equal bans for everyone i say.

Doesn’t seem fair.

Beck was on track to becoming halfway decent. Good thourough movie reviews, letting people borrow his dads truck to move, posting useful stuff in a dodge charger thread. IMO he’s better than he ever has before.