NYSpeed Should Be...

Beck is a whole diffrent story…He constantly trys to stir up worthless drama…and be an attention whore.

I atleast keep my drama to a semi street racing related level.

lol,people tend to derail alot here.Its a serious problem.

This thread isnt about Beck,its about Nyspeed should be…

Vote & Make a comment about what NYspeed should be.

a place where I can discuss vehicles and modding in a serious, adult environment…

…but with a little offtopic, like politics, news, etc.

But not retarded pointless BS like “who uses a laptop on the toliet?”, “i ate an apple” or other completely useless crap.

And run by mods that aply the same rules to everyone (including themselves) and realize they are running a local forum and not a fortune 500 so they can call down.

and the way around that is one sentence completly on topic and then one off topic :slight_smile:

but i do stick to what i said about how forums should be run … however i woulden’t want to be a moderator … i love Howies approach to it :slight_smile: besides if he eer wanted em to STFU he could tell em himself and i would out fo respect … :cry: ok i’ve said enough i’m missing him to much lol



Beck has a track record for doing stupid and saying stupid things. Never has beck posted any kind of tech or gave back to this site with quality information.

Beck was banned before PERMANENTLY. I as well as others fought for him to have his ban be temporary instead of permament on the condition that he not fuck up anymore. He was on the thinnest of thin ice after he got banned the first time. The ice broke, end of story. I would think someone who’s balls are that close to the ban saw would be a bit more discreet in what they post from now on but apparently he didn’t so he is banned again for a LONG LONG TIME!!

Now, keep this shit on topic or I am going to start deleting posts since I want this thread to survive. If you keep posting OT from this thread repeatedly, YOU WILL BE BANNED FOR 3 DAYS!!!

The nature of off topic forums…is that the threads in off topic no matter what they GO OFF TOPIC.

I can see moderating the hell out of the tech/gen auto forums on here so people don’t have to deal with stupid bullshit.

Everyone on here pulls threads off topic with little comments about other shit…mods as well as everyone else does it.

i like this site, its one of the top 3 i check when i sign online… which is like 464318743 times a day…but i dont just check it for automotive stuff so i’d be kinda upset to see off topic and stuff like that go.

some moderation is needed, but with power comes responsibility. The only real reason i could see someone getting booted from here is if they are ONLY shit talking and having NO positive input to the site, or if they threaten another user. Dont be kicking people off for having an opinion you dont agree with. If someone uses a word/phrase you dont agre with warn them the first time because i kno ive been heated about a topic before and said stuff that i know would offend SOMEONE on here.

absolutly, the mods here take being a mod way to seriously.Its starting to get real lame.

I don’t agree. I also don’t think these threads really go anywhere. We used to have a section of Autopia that was “forum feedback.” It just turned into a big bitching contest until finally the owner decided he was going to do what was in the best interest of the forum. It’s been a lot more peaceful since. :slight_smile:

can u expand on that a lil and say what you think the mods are doing wrong? it’d be nice to know exactly what other people are thinking and have some feedback :tup:

Expand in PM’s…

I think what the Moderators are doing is fine. They are doing their job and doing it well if you ask me. Keep up the good work. :tup:

well like locking threads with teh explanation " dont like where this is going’’ _Locked.
Just so many threads getting closed just cuz a newb didnt search first, geez cut em some slack here and there. Its supposed to be fun to be on the internet, not frustrating.

How about the people who take this site seriously and don’t want to sift through repeated questions. We want intelligent people on this forum. Intelligent people know how to find answers to their questions with asking being the last resort. If you repost already stated questions, they get locked. How would you like to answer the same question over and over and over again when it is well documented and easily accessible?


i do agree about cutting the newbs some slack tho… like link to the thread that already answers their question, and THEN close the thread. that way they can continue posting in the other thread. right?

I think EVERYONE just needs to chill out. Take everything with a grain of salt, and laugh things off sometimes.

Seems like sometimes people are so quick to jump to the hate. Maybe it is because it is winter, and alot of you guys aren’t so much fans of winter… Maybe it is the fact that there is nothing else to talk about.

EDIT - What did I say, no more about Beck!!!

Yeah, whatever, that shit was ON-TOPIC. As we were tlaking about the direcion ofthe site. And I was discussing and citing an example of people taking shit way too seriously. But whatever. Much love. I’m out for the night.

I almost voted for

	 			...a place where I can talk about anything I want with minimal moderator intervention.

but what if i ever wanted to read this at work
and everything like that ends up in NWS anywho

I would say you are all doing a good job
/moderator ass kissing

Then you’re not going to get 100% car talk 100% of the time. :slight_smile: