Guitar Hero High Score Thread

I do own a real guitar and can semi-play it (i used to take lessons, and can still play some stuff here and there, but I’m not good at all haha).

I’ve only been playing guitar hero since GH2 came out on 360, and I had never played it till then.

Oh about raining blood, the only reason it took me so damn long was becuase I just couldn’t get Mosh 1. Then one night I took the song into practice and went through the sections real quick and that helped my score jump a bit (getting me 4*). I still havn’t gone back to try and get 5* on it, though I really want to soon since then I’ll 5* all the main set list on expert.

I’ve been addicted to Rock Band guitar lately though so who knows when I’ll get around to Raining Blood.

Rivalries are fun though so if anyone wants to have like a score war on here maybe? That might be cool.