Guitar Hero Xbox 360

Go get it!!!, as soon as my new 360 comes ill have it, i cant wait to jump around the house like a drooling tard!!!

Seriously, it got a 9.3 from IGN, tons of new songs, not a port either

Supposedly come kind of effects pedal may be available eventually?

guitar has a port on it for possible pedals down the road…


Maybe when my 360 comes back.

Im so bad at it but i know i will end up getting it.

ive been playing this for ps2 a lot lately…

i wanna try new songs…yay

i played the xbox version at bestbuy. it was awesome when i was rocking out to heartshaped box on medium

then some fucking emo kid came up and owned sweet child of mine on expert. i looked real foolish.

but it was rad :tup:

more songs = more winning

lol my brother plays on expert. makes me look bad so in the middle of his songs i turn of the

I basically beat this on PS2. You guys think its worth it to get it again?

ive been going through this decision since i heard about it coming out for the 360

basically, the game itself comes with 10 new songs in addition, PLUS the ability to download more songs (at no charge i believe) through xbox live, plus the possible addition of pedals down the road

my thought is, since ps3 is obviously playstations new flagship, there will be less and less PS2 games until they eventually kill of the line of games. 360 is the flagship for microsoft and has proven (through now guitar hero, grand theft auto) that they will get all the good games for their top line. as much as i don’t want to spend another 90 bucks i think on this game, its one of those “you’ll have to get it down the road anyways” for games like GH3 and 4 when they come out, so might as well get it now and sell my ps2 stuff :stuck_out_tongue:

btw adam, i might have been that expert nub on sweet child of mine :stuck_out_tongue: not really, but i do love doing that to people when i walk by the display :headbang:

^^ u are a nerd <3

u know how i shred

lol… true

mad funny though… i did some songs on expert and hard at wahlers house… both him and i had no idea how i was actually doing good HAHAHAHA

sean (officerk) called me the idiot from shine LOL