H2O International

Not so much Sully. We all coming back monday

Hahahahaha favors work both ways Daniel!!!

Pete, I don’t want your cheap-skate [slang term for a person of Polish descent] ass using my Wheels/radials. Get it through your head. No need for your immature remark. Please don’t call me anymore begging to use my shit, BUY YOUR OWN.

I’m asking a simple question.
Thank you.

skully throwin orders down



wow, did brooke write this? goin hard playboy

Pete, mind your own business. Lets see your tough Guy attitude this weekend.

yikes. drama llama up here.

borrow wheels and tires?? more like rent them

This conversation is way too serious for Shift518.com

Dan, you seem stressed out. A simple no to borrowing them would’ve of been perfect, your a busy guy, great, i don’t need them, i bought a set of hoosier drags and VIII wheels anyways for an event late in october.

thanks anyways, and i look forward to your tough guyness

i believe i told him straight up i’d give him money to borrow them. oh well. 1.4x’s on hoosier drags here i come :slight_smile:

oh wow. this thread getting real loud.

Hey sully you think i could borrow your G for this weekend, i seem to only have the T and L


i just messaged daniel to see if he is trying to fight.

im a bit unsure if he is threatening me or not.

He’s not.
Also, I do not understand what you wanted deleted in your reported post. I see no racism at all.

look what he called me, same thing as calling ma a ****** if i was black and i take offense to that but whatever

this shit is wayyyy too serious

100% agree with you. I really don’t understand why he got all pissed off to begin with though. It looked like you made a small wise-crack, nothing that anyone else would even understand, and then he attacked you personally.

zakly and to think i was nice enough to let him and his girlfriend ride my jetski on sacandaga lake… oh well, life continues.