Envy Frenzy july 31st-aug. 1st

Who’s going down and when?!!?!?


Kevin and I might, if time allows. Where is it again?

Kingston ill post the link when I get to a computer

I had a good time last year, might make the trip down again.

Steve: Damnit, I have my daughter this weekend, and she will never stay calm all the way there, much less at a show for long. If I can get my Dad to watch her, I am in.

I will be going down. Will be leaving saturday morning (July 31’st)

yea im leaving saturday morning and staying the night

fmllll those are the same days at the vw meet in VT

people still use myspace? wtf?

maybe I’ll show up sunday

So who is actually going other than Fluffer and I (and possibly dave)?

I’m pretty sure i’m going…but only for sat. i’ll still cruise down with everyone but idk where/when everyone is meeting up?

me and fluffernuter are bunking together :gay

Bet you are.

First time I met you I thought you were Jeff’s brother man. Im sorry.


alright I’ll go…I get off work at 7am so I’ll roll down I guess around 10am or something.

Well I dont know if our trailer will be finished by then so I dont know if the truck will be brought down there or not

for those who are going for both days, where is everyone staying?