Envy Frenzy 11. July 30-31st


this show should need no description, if you have been in the scene for more then 5 minutes you know what envy frenzy is.

Envy frenzy is always a blast. Usually go every year. I have some hilarious pics of Elliot from the last couple years.

Can’t make it this year unforunately, we will be in Cali/Vegas visiting family.

edit: Usually good CP at this event

sometimes you just gotta sleep in your car with the windows up when its in the high 90s out after drinking a couple bottles of liquor.

Should be able to make it down there this year!

drunk elliot is drunk :rofl

drunk elliot always makes for good stories.

Will be there!

hoping to be there. Gotta check with the wifey and see what we have going on.

if the ranger is running, we will take it, if its not we will take it…

kevin and I are IN. Dmax might be tuggin it too. MIGHT EVEN BE ON AIR ALSO!!!

We need to bring SWAT back for this… I’ll see if I can get the day off… Def taking 1st this year.

Hopefully the STI will be pounding the pavement again by then… And we don’t have anything else planned.

i can enter the yaris just for the numbers :dunno

damn… i’m photographing a wedding for a friend. Doesn’t look like I’ll be making it this year.

Fuck it…I might go to this too.

Idk if im gunna make the trip from pa… Be my first one missing since the first

bump…shows tomorrow. i’ll be there around noon.

Probably going to goto this.

Was planing on going down with johnnyk .I dont know what the status is of my car at the moment though

How early you guys plan on getting there?

Pm me if you guys wanna meet up in the colonie/latham area and cruise down .