As many of you may or may not know, primarily featured a shirtless fat kid with large bitch tits. Well, apparently the kid found the site, and sent this letter to my webhost (Matt. on OT of
Originally Posted by Fat kid with bitch tits
Date: 2004/04/19 Mon PM 07:15:51 GMT
Subject: Domain name
To whom it may concern,
My name is Xxxxxxx and I am a student at the Mount Vernon High School in Mount Vernon, Ohio. One of my friends told my abut a webpage that some ass created about me. The web address is I did some research and found that the webpage is hosted on your server. That picutre was from a football game. To me, the webpage is wrong. I would hate to get the authorities involved unless that is my only option. Please end the hosting ofthat site or allow me to know the creator of it so I can take further action. Many people have been talking about it and school and it has hurt my feeling and reputation. Please repond!