Halloween Costumes

bahahahaahahahaahahahaahah THAT IS EPIC DUDE!!! hahaaha

here you go mikey! http://photos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs018.snc3/12549_1206556122665_1191522794_30664171_5697103_n.jpg

Lara’s lookin pretty good. :shifty

So who actually went downtown? I was at Jillians. It was PACKED

dude Lara is one of the hottest girls i’ve ever seen. That pic does her no justice.

I was keeping it tame in case the bf was on here :rofl

I was down there but only made it to Blue downtown and Dejohns on Lark… Wasn’t about to pay $20 to get into Jillians…

I was.

And that girls hot Wayne.

Jillians was only $10…

It made it to $20.

She is very hottt wayne.

yea they did… :shifty