Halloween Party Pics


they took off before anyone could snap a pic

Wow I look fucking wasted… To many Jaeger Bombs!!!

Good times though…

Are you going to post every single picture from the email floating around one by one or can you just get them all out of the way. I believe you still have like three more to go…

no baby, those were the only ones i liked :slight_smile: hugs and kisses to you.


now let other people enjoy and get some costume ideas for next year. retard

Who is this? and aren’t they a little far from home?

I’m going to a halloween costume party tomorrow. Wifey’s going as this:
(It’s a ladybug.)

I don’t have to, but I’m trying to think of something fun to match. Ideas?

A huge shoe?

I’ve got it!

I’m totally going to buy a new garden sprayer, clean it out, and fill it with alcohol.

you going to a halloween party in november?

My friends are really cool. :shrug:

I can’t believe I missed this party. Damn that looked like a good time.

Party def. was the jam. I was like the only asshole without a costume.

reason why it wasnt posted

^^^^ hahahahahaha

you’re STILL alive? FUCK!

I dunno…anyone whose met me at one of Twizted’s parties seems to have liked me…or at least they didn’t say anything against me…you on the other hand are just a bitter asshole. DIAF.

i am outspoken they are not. but i assure you things get said.

calm down man

i’ll see you out one of these days and prolly like you too :tup:

EDIT: snaps fingers JEG, over here

Oh well. The people who know me like me and know I am just goofy and joke around alot. If you dont have a sense of humor, then you probably won’t like me. Sucks to be you I guess.