143 days

Who owns the fuel when it’s drilled? Oh, that’s right…Exxon/BP etc etc. since they are doing the drilling. What do they do with it? Oh, that’s right put it on a fucking global market. So, China and India can outbid us at this point, because we are a lower bidder then them!!! So, once you start drilling it’s not going to stay here. Furthermore, it’s not going to lower gas prices at all.

I agree that we need to make our own fuel, but you do this by investing and being the leader in alternative fuels. Why are we not trying to become the world super power by creating this first and then selling it to everyone?

I am probably going to be discredited somehow with this and I don’t really care, I just hope some of you can read and retain something from this article: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/14/opinion/14friedman.html?_r=1&oref=slogin