143 days


thats bullshit. If the single mom could go out and make enough to comfortably take care of her kids with one job instead of two or 3, maybe she’d be able to do a better job parenting. Maybe she wouldnt just say fuck it and start smoking crack. Maybe this, maybe that. But there’s no doubt that if people in the lower and middle class could make a half-decent living working 40 hours at a low-skill job then the temptation for crime would be MUCH MUCH LESS.

you care!!! you’re all about investing in american jobs, well guess what!!! that is an investment in an american job and it always has been.

since when is it the publics role to dictate private economy?

when that asshole with all the money dies, it gets reinvested in the family (and 40% to the government) to which goes into the economy. Just sounds like you want the public to all be equal and to have the government dictate the investments!! sound fimiliar to any political failures of the past?

And I’m sure in the 20 years she’s been in nursing that she’s paid back more into the welfare program than she ever took out of it. Which shows that the system CAN work. But the way it is now is just BEGGING for abuse. So like I said, if we can change the value of an hour worked, make good and damn sure that the people are getting “handouts” are working for them and working to get OFF of them, then things will start to turn around very quickly.

And this is coming from a person that owns a company and does/will have a/many employees to pay.

I don’t think you even have to raise the minimum wage. If you attach an expiration date to welfare benefits, but expand them to include skill training and child care, that would be enough for me.

Example: Woman receives benefits for one year. Nine months of training in some kind of skill, three months to find a job. During that time, her baby gets free day care. If at the end of the year she hasn’t gotten a job, her kid goes to foster care and her benefits expire.

I love when people read what is not written. just listen to what i wrote and not what you think i want or am suggesting.

I never said to do away with welfare.

i never said that i’m against taxation… i’m just saying that it should be ‘fair’ and based off of income, not just targeting successful people to cough up their money. everyone is so quick to say that republicans favor the rich, why isn’t the argument made that democrats favor the poor? it just seems unamerican to penalize some to favor others.

I don’t need to know anyone on welfare to understand the dynamic… just because you know someone you feel that your opinion or outlook is more valid? if that’s true, why are you voting for people (year after year) whom never have been on said programs?

also, why didn’t you just man up and help your relative… that’s an AMERICAN VALUE to give or die for your family. I feel that most republicans (and many others) feel that family values are one of the, if not most, important american morals and ethics that we hold. It’s no solution to a mass population issue… but why sit back and wait for the government then bitch about it after it served you?

And we could be making our own fuel with even MORE AMERICAN JOBS!!!111

and again, FOR THE 10TH TIME, ITS ABOUT WHERE THE MONEY GOES!!! Ya know who gets the VAST MAJORITY of the money from the oil that is produced in Saudi Arabia? SAUDI ARABIANS! If we were producing our own oil/gas/biofuels here in America, guess who gets that money. AMERICANS!!! Trillions of Dollars!

since when is it the publics role to dictate private economy?

How about when we’re on the verge of total economic collapse. :dunno:

when that asshole with all the money dies, it gets reinvested in the family (and 40% to the government) to which goes into the economy. Just sounds like you want the public to all be equal and to have the government dictate the investments!! sound fimiliar to any political failures of the past?

having a progressive tax system is NOT akin to communism. :rofl:

Then please explain to me how I can still get my $0.99 value menu…or a $5 footlong at subway…b/c of this min wage has to stay low.

Amen Brother…

dick… we are buying their natural resources… duh… when we sell ours are you mad that other countries are contributing to our economy. the raw material of fossilized oil is a market that dictates it’s own price. Stop driving and help the cause.

  1. I am not against drilling in america… the amount of oil in the earth is well beyond any of our life times, if not centuries.

How about when we’re on the verge of total economic collapse. :dunno:

it only makes it worse.

having a progressive tax system is NOT akin to communism. :rofl:

“progressive tax system”

A progressive tax is a tax imposed so that the tax rate increases as the amount subject to taxation increases.[1][2][3][4][5] In simple terms, it imposes a greater burden (relative to resources) on the rich than on the poor. “Progressive” describes a distribution effect on income or expenditure, referring to the way the rate progresses from low to high, where the average tax rate is less than the marginal tax rate.


Communism is a socioeconomic structure that promotes the establishment of an egalitarian, classless, stateless society based on common ownership of the means of production and property in general. Communism states that the only way to solve these problems would be for the working class, or proletariat, to replace the wealthy bourgeoisie, which is currently the ruling class, in order to establish a peaceful, free society, without classes, or government.

akin = similar

redistribution seems to be obvious in both!

Are you seriously so retarded that you don’t understand why it’s a REALLY BAD IDEA to be reliant on the middle east for oil? I mean, if you really want me to type it all out for you, I will…

akin = similar

redistribution seems to be obvious in both!


Not really. At all. :rofl:

how are we relying on them? we are just draining their national resources before we tap ours… the only amount of downtime is the amount of time it takes to create and build the resources to drill and refine, which we could do within the amount of time needed while using reserves.

  1. is it sort like redistributing… you know, taking from one group and giving to another.

If Iran were to completely shut off all of their oil production, or Saudi Arabia, do you have any fucking idea what that would do to our economy? Oil would SHOOT past $200 a barrel on its way to god knows what. Our already on thin ice economy would come to a screeching halt. It would be like the great depression, except worse. Countries would go to war. The country would plunge into poverty. Then, after a while, law and order would start to break down.

But thats not us really relying on them or anything. They just have the ability to completly fuck our country over. No big deal. No reason to worry. Those folks all LOVE US!!!

  1. is it sort like redistributing… you know, taking from one group and giving to another.

so if a rich guys pays $100 and a middle class guy pays $10 and a lower class person pays $1, and they get a road built with the money, that is redistribution of wealth? Interesting.

no… that’s how a stanard tax bracket would break down.

it would be more like the rich guy paying $150,000, middle class breaking even and the poor guy getting $1,000 purposed so that he can afford a car :rolleyes:

Comparing progressive taxation to communism is inaccurate. Communism is equality of outcome, our system tries to establish equality of oppertunity.

That would happen with any foriegn dependency. what is interesting is that we can actually go and drill for this oil in our own county and pull out of the ‘crisis’. oil alone will not fail the economy… no matter how much you want to believe it will… gas can go to $15.00 a gallon and guess what, people that want to drive will.

and your little situation is quite the ‘sky is falling’ syndrome… check out the our top importers of crude and petrolium.





Go grab a globe. we don’t appear to be a single threaded as your little situation above makes it appear… do we?

I’m arguing that progressive tax bracketing is similar to the Robin Hood Theory which is pretty close to communism. A lot closer than percentage based fixed brackets. no?

Jesus was closer to communism than Hitler. It’s a nonsense argument.

It’s not an argument. I make no point with it… just drawing a parallel to other political failures.

but please… feel free to elaborate or make more baseless omniscient statements.

Do you get pussy with your extensive and exuberating vocabulary, or do you just flaunt it on here to try and win your opinions over?

which word didn’t you understand?

Who owns the fuel when it’s drilled? Oh, that’s right…Exxon/BP etc etc. since they are doing the drilling. What do they do with it? Oh, that’s right put it on a fucking global market. So, China and India can outbid us at this point, because we are a lower bidder then them!!! So, once you start drilling it’s not going to stay here. Furthermore, it’s not going to lower gas prices at all.

I agree that we need to make our own fuel, but you do this by investing and being the leader in alternative fuels. Why are we not trying to become the world super power by creating this first and then selling it to everyone?

I am probably going to be discredited somehow with this and I don’t really care, I just hope some of you can read and retain something from this article: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/14/opinion/14friedman.html?_r=1&oref=slogin