143 days

You couldn’t get a job at McDonalds and become district manager
after 143 days of experience.

You couldn’t become chief of surgery after 143 days of experience
of being a surgeon.

You couldn’t get a job as a teacher and be the superintendent after
143 days of experience.

You couldn’t join the military and become a colonel after 143 days
of experience.

You couldn’t get a job as a reporter and become the nightly news
anchor after 143 days of experience.


From the time Barack Obama was sworn in as a United State Senator,
to the time he announced he was forming a Presidential exploratory
committee, he logged 143 days of experience in the Senate. That’s
how many days the Senate was actually in session and working. After
143 days of work experience, Obama believed he was ready to be
Commander In Chief, Leader of the Free World… 143 days.We all have
to start somewhere. The senate is a good start, but after 143 days,
that’s all it is - a start.

AND, strangely, a large sector of the American public is okay with
this and campaigning for him. We wouldn’t accept this in our own line of work,yet some are okay with this for the President of the United States of America?

Come on folks, we are not voting for the next American Idol!
Please forward this before it’s too late!

Funny but, we need new blood in the white house. he can’t fuck it up more than nixon or bush.

it really puts this in perpective for people doesn’t it?

Chain letter repost? Lolz.

dont break it…its bad luck!


The experience issue is a joke. Presidents have scores of advisors and experts. On top of that, Obama has ALWAYS been a liberal, while McCain abandoned moderacy when becoming a conservative became the only viable path to primary nomination.

I supported McCain in 2000. He disgusts me now. He made my decision very easy.

The biggest reason why I think he’s an asshole. Fuck that un american piece of shit.

why because he doesn’t do the pledge of alliance under god ?

boo hoo

looks chopped but it’s not.

Give me a fucking break, theres nothing written down ANYWHERE that says he has too

who said you cant become district manager of mcdonalds???

Just as bad as removng a hat in “respect”

The pope wears a hat, Why can’t I.

Who has the power to tell anyone what they do to observe something???
I dislike lemmings

But it was an awesome game.

I do not doubt Obama’s love for the country, I just think he has no good ideas on how to fix shit.

And the arm over the heart is just something you do. Is it right or wrong, who cares. But if you are trying to be the President of the USA, put your damn hand over your heart. :slap:

and x2 on Lemmings being a great game. I wasted a lot of hours on those damn things. :smiley:

Sorry man but yes there is.

(a) Designation.— The composition consisting of the words and music known as the Star-Spangled Banner is the national anthem.
(b) Conduct During Playing.— During a rendition of the national anthem—
(1) when the flag is displayed—
(A) all present except those in uniform should stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart;
(B) men not in uniform should remove their headdress with their right hand and hold the headdress at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart; and

Posted from the cornell law website. Heres the link:

PS: Fuck Barack Osama.

George Carlin Said it BEST!
[ame=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdorpjKufCU&feature=related”]YouTube - George Carlin - Hats / Swearing[/ame]

i still dont give a fuck. We fall for the same political rederic every fucking year theres an election. 2 party system ftl.

Palin for Prez :boink

is ross perot still running?


Yep, this year he changed his name to Ron Paul.