143 days

one word; reparations. Obama is voting for them. fuck that. Just because you hate Bush, doesnt mean your automatically a democrat. Noone likes Bush.

but we are fucked no matter what. He loses the election, canadians riot and burn shit in anger. He wins the election, canadians riot and burn shit in celebration. He wins and gets killed, canadians riot and burn shit in hate.

you are a fucking retard.

Please research things before you believe them, you racist pile of dog shit.

i don’t think anyone is really qualified to run this cluster fuck of a country. Don’t get me wrong, i love it here. Yet no one take responsibility for their own stupidity. Burn yourself on coffee–sue. wreck your car drunk while underage–sue who served you the booze. Got your girl friend pregnant–sue Trojan for not personally wrapping your dick in the rubber…

however, with that in mind, i would go for the person w/ the least exposure to the bureaucratic bullshit. Mccain has been around long enough to already be in a lot of pockets. Obama, on the other hand, being fairly new can not be as bought up. I’m sure he has been bought though.

anyone who says politicians are legit is full of shit. when you get to a certain level, you have to take care of some people to get what you want/need. it is shady, but American.

so if obama does get elected, i give it less than 2 years before he is assassinated. It will be a kennedy all over again. Young, not “experienced”, not the normal president (catholic/black). what everyone fails to remember, when kennedy was killed his approval rating was going into the shitter. His death actually martyred his presidency and elevated him to sainthood. had kennedy made it through his term, i wonder if he would have been viewed liked the current Bush??? keep in mind, kennedy was getting us into vietnam, had cuban missle crisis, and some other shit…

No but he will raise your taxes and take more of your earned money!! Fuck that!:rant:

I pray to god that you’re on the receiving end of all of the rioting and burning.

How the fuck do you know, faggot?

That’s just what democrats do. They take from the good citizens and give it to the lazy fucks who milk the system.

actually, democrats usually have to raise taxes because their republican predecessors spend trillions of dollars that aren’t there.

as opposed to the GOP which just puts it all on the credit card. i am far from a big government guy, but 4 more years of the bush doctrine has to be avoided at all costs.

actually Obama’s proposed tax cuts beat mccains in all salary ranges under 200k/year. then he wants to raise taxes for the super wealthy where mccain gives them the biggest tax cut of all. Both are fairly close in the ranges that most people on here make (assuming most people on here make under 200k) but Obama’s is still lower. I would definately vote for mccain if I made millions each year though.

actually you are wrong… this is why politics are BS… you have such high aspirations for Obama under incorrect pretenses. I dont’ know what you consider ‘super wealthy’??


this chart is correctly formatted in the link on the right:

INCOME McCain lol’Bama
Income Avg. tax bill Avg. tax bill
Over $2.9M -$269,364 +$701,885
$603K and up -$45,361 +$115,974
$227K-$603K -$7,871 +$12
$161K-$227K -$4,380 -$2,789
$112K-$161K -$2,614 -$2,204
$66K-$112K -$1,009 -$1,290
$38K-$66K -$319 -$1,042
$19K-$38K -$113 -$892
Under $19K -$19 -$567

obama is going to give me less and give less people more and it only compounds as you go up the scale.

what sucks is that so many people agree with taking away from successful capitalists… I am so against taking away from the .01% successful billionaires just because they ‘make a lot of money’… since when is that something that is bad? nothing like striving to be mediocre…

Just like the retards in front of me in line at Sheetz this morning. Two dudes, niether more than 20 years old, buy about 8 backs of chips, 18 drinks, 9 beef sticks, 14 apple pies, 6 packs of gum, and 1 coffee, and pay for it all with their damn ACCESS card.

The system works great.

And if you agree with the system working great, GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!

Tom, I never said the welfare system doesn’t need reform. I don’t think an Access card should pay for any processed, single serving foods. An access card should pay for produce, meat, peanut butter, and dairy. It should also not be permanent.

This is what I was talking about. Am I reading this wrong? It looks to me like this is what I was talking about except I was wrong about the income level where mccain passes obama. (112k instead of 200k)

I read an interesting article, in general it said . . .

Bush has the lowest approval rating in history,
the economy in in the worst position that it has been for most anyone living, and our national debt has exceeded all expectations.

But historians agree,
that many, many years from now Bush will be judged by the measures taken to keep the country safe after it’s worst terrorist attack in history.

I’m in no way endorsing Bush, I just thought it was an interesting observation.

Right now I am leaning towards the McCain/Palin ticket.

While Obama may have original ideas, he won’t have the support to implement them. He will likely be the biggest assassination target in the history of the US presidency and his arrogance about core values of democracy and patriotism really push me away.

McCain/Milf FTMFW

drug test… then get welfare.


and random tests thereafter.

exactly. i heard that before. and drug test everyone that renews their license :kekegay:

I guess i will have to play something i really hate to play…the “AC”…the “age card”
There are a few members of PS who are my age(or older), who have lived through what were some damn tough economic times in the late 70’s and early 80’s.
Back in the mid 70’s, watergate was still pretty fresh in our minds. People were pretty cynical of the government, and especially established politicians. People were looking for a fresh face, someone who would come in and change Washington and shake things up (does this sound the least bit familiar?)
Jimmy Carter was the guy. A Georgia governor. A “man of the people”. A “WAshington outsider”. JImmy was our guy, he was going to go to Washington and fix the damn mess left from that crook Nixon and the inept Ford. So, Carter won on the wave of change.
Guess what? That didn’t work out so well. I know, because i lived it. Lets talk about inflation. Here are the inflation rates during the “Carter change years”
1978 7.62%
1979 11.22%
1980 13.58%
1981 10.35%

Lets take a look at interest rates during the “Carter change years”.
When Carter began his presidency in 1977, the prime rate was 6.5%
Here is what happened during his term:
1977-10-24 7.75
1978-01-10 8.00
1978-05-05 8.25
1978-05-26 8.50
1978-06-16 8.75
1978-06-30 9.00
1978-09-01 9.25
1978-09-15 9.50
1978-09-28 9.75
1978-10-13 10.00
1978-10-27 10.25
1978-11-01 10.50
1978-11-06 10.75
1978-11-17 11.00
1978-11-24 11.50
1978-12-26 11.75
1979-06-19 11.50
1979-07-27 11.75
1979-08-16 12.00
1979-08-28 12.25
1979-09-07 12.75
1979-09-14 13.00
1979-09-20 13.25
1979-09-28 13.50
1979-10-09 14.50
1979-10-24 15.00
1979-11-01 15.25
1979-11-09 15.50
1979-11-16 15.75
1979-11-30 15.50
1979-12-07 15.25
1980-02-19 15.75
1980-02-22 16.50
1980-02-29 16.75
1980-03-04 17.25
1980-03-07 17.75
1980-03-14 18.50
1980-03-19 19.00
1980-03-28 19.50
1980-04-02 20.00
1980-04-18 19.50
1980-05-01 18.50
1980-05-07 17.50
1980-05-16 16.50
1980-05-23 14.50
1980-05-28 14.00
1980-06-06 13.00
1980-06-13 12.50
1980-06-17 12.00
1980-07-07 11.50
1980-07-23 11.00
1980-08-22 11.25
1980-08-27 11.50
1980-09-08 12.00
1980-09-12 12.25
1980-09-19 12.50
1980-09-26 13.00
1980-10-01 13.50
1980-10-17 14.00
1980-10-29 14.50
1980-11-06 15.50
1980-11-17 16.25
1980-11-21 17.00
1980-11-26 17.75
1980-12-02 18.50
1980-12-05 19.00
1980-12-10 20.00
1980-12-16 21.00
1980-12-19 21.50
1981-01-02 20.50
1981-01-09 20.00

I can testify to what these interest rates can do to mortgages, because my wife and i bought our first house in 1980, and we got a 16.5% mortgage. If you want an idea what kind of payment that means, pull up an online mortgage calculater and see what YOUR mortgage payment would be at 16.5%.
What really scares me is that i see so many parallels between Obama and Carter, and having had to endure the Carter years, well, it was not fun. The last time this country decided to hire an “agent of change”, it didn’t work out so well. I am no fan of McCain, but i am really afraid of the alternative. I do not want to live through another 4 years like i lived through between 1977-1981. It saddens me to think that these 2 are the best we can do, and this time around it truly is voting for the lesser of 2 evils. But i am convinced that an Obama administration will really be a disaster.

damn your old:)

very Interesting post.