143 days

this thread makes me not want to vote.



:rofl::rofl: You think??

why??? read what the successful and intellegent pittspeeders are writing and apply it… I feel as though voting should be pretty staight forward and obvious :slight_smile:

yeah dont vote if your not edjucated in the politicians running. if someone else is telling you to vote for one of the other dont do it just because of that. that is why i am not voting… i am not edjucated in politics enough. nor do i care to be.

Don’t vote on the tax issue.

I have a foolproof plan to fix your tax problems not matter who gets elected. If whoever gets elected raises your taxes just take a page out of George W’s playbook. Figure out what the increase is on your taxes and get a cash advance on your credit card to pay the difference and only pay the minimum payment on it.

Sure W made the process easier taking out loans from hostile countries to pay for his tax cuts but if you get an increase just charge it like Dubya would do.

However the majority of Americans would pay less under Obama then McCain.

I wish that were true, but ultimately, it won’t be. The numbers just don’t work. I know you were too young to remember, but when Bill Clinton originally ran for president, one of the cornerstones of his campaign was the promise of a middle class tax cut. After he actually got into office, we did not get a middle class tax cut. That would have been OK with me, but what we got was a middle class tax increase. Obama will have to do the same thing to support all his programs, and he will do it, no doubt at all in my mind.

if i were that successful i would not mind paying more. the real issue that no one is paying any fucking attention to is HOW WE ARE SPENDING ALL OF THE TAX MONEY! ridiculous shit. if we could stop exporting all of our money to the middle east by buying their oil, and use our tax dollars to put americans to work…

imagine instead of welfare handouts, if you are hard off you have to get a job working on a highway construction crew. then youre getting something for your money. ACTUALLLY putting it back into the economy, unlike these retarded rebate checks.

that sounds awfully new deal-ish??? i have no problem helping someone out in need. i have no problem w/ the govt taking money i give them to help others either. but i do agree to make them work for it somehow.

on the flip side, how is it that we rushed to send aid to tsunami victims, yet turned our backs on new orleans. wtf is up w/ that???

The policies that are enacted in this country are NOT for the country’s own good. They are about who to appease, which wheel to grease, which special interest to court, etc. The litmus test for things have moved from “is this best for the country?” to “is this the best for my political career?”

Its corrupt in a just barely intangible way. And it has now become the status quo and no one even questions it.

Its nothing more than a bunch of mud slinging like 4 year olds and gets anouying as fuck every year. I could care less how educated everyone is, to me it it looks like a 6yr old with a politcally opinionated tempter tantrum with their fingers in their ears going I CANT HEAR YOU, LALALALALA, IM RIGHT LISTEN TO ME, LALALALALA.

George Bush doesnt care about black people

Hello, and welcome to American Politics.

Ive known this for years, not much of a welcome. Theres reasons I didnt register to vote till I was 24



Pretty much, how the fuck am I supposed to get a grasp on who to vote for when everyone is shoveling their opinions to me in heaping spoon fulls. It just comes off as a troll fest. Even in real life.

in case you hadn’t noticed, there are more than two people running for president. :wink:

In case you didnt notice, this country doesnt care about those guys.

because people like you would rather not vote than get interested in someone outside of the mainstream!

keep it on topic now, this is turning into a decent thread. ill let you guys argue provided you keep it on topic and political.

Ok. This thread is fucking retarded. Obama was a constitutional law professor at University of Chicago, graduated from Harvard Law, and was a state senator for 8 years. In addition to the 4 years he has served in the US Senate. I wrote much more at length in that other thread.

Sucks that he cant be a McDonalds Manager though. This thread rocks.