143 days

are you slamming a guy for knowing more words than you?


I was just asking a question - if you think that is “slamming” then your skin is thin my friend.

I am intelligent enough to know what he is saying…

…through context :bigok:

What I will slam though is the fact that you actually took the time to put “debadged and K&N airfilter” for “mods” in your signature for an Xa…dreamer.

You deliver Adrian’s Pizza and that makes you an A+ guy. Their food is priceless.

Please allow the intelligent folks to engage in constructive banter.

Or, to dumb it down for you since you don’t like big words: Shut the fuck up. There is an excellent discussion going on in this thread.

Just a quick FYI: That statement would be very difficult to find itself any further from the truth.

The price of oil is set on the world market, but the raw material of oil absolutely does NOT dictate its own price. I would say that the material itself is maybe fourth or fifth in terms of dictating the price of a barrel of crude behind geoeconomics, geopolitics, weather, and possibly disruptions of supply distribution routes from other means than said above.

Correct! I didn’t mean that the raw material was the only price point… but that refined oil is a market that is a level playing ground. if today we ‘buy’ from the oil reserves of others, our future reserves will be bought from (and at forecasted and assumed higher prices), but not the actual driving factors of the market (and assuming only that to be the raw material). If oil production gets to crucial levels, we can turn to our reserves and internalize the start to finish production process.

Alternative fuel production and startup is still too far off to really ‘buy’ into… not the figurative, but the literal. We cannot find a total package alternative fuel that is marketable… whether high costs up front, at the end or the catch of using as much energy as you’re making, there are lists of issues with each approach. Until something is discovered or refined to the point that it is the next fuel, I would suspect our country to drive the initiative.


so much ignorance in this thread. :rofl:

  1. If you think I have any delusions about how “modded” my car is, you’re a fucking idiot.

  2. I’m spending my money on education, not car parts. A 350z might impress the kids, but it would be a gross misappropriation of funds for me.

I agree with that. I get why people wouldn’t understand the term buy in this instance because its not as though you are walking down to the local store, its all on a large worldwide scale that works extremely different than most people realize.

We’re on the same page here, I just thought you were saying that the raw material was the major determining factor of the price of oil.

Carry on sir. :bigok:

http://www.mdbiodiesel.com/ The people that own this also do pool water delivery so I’ve spoken with their guys quite a bit. They are fucking PWNING with biodiesel right now. Selling it as fast as they make it. They are going to be tripling capacity. Not only do they use a material that normally gets thrown away and turns it into energy, but I had several drivers tell me that they used to have trucks that ran like shit. bad emissions, rough starting, etc. After they ran two tanks of B100 through it, it ran like it was brand new. Only problem they had was that the trucks were breaking down after switching to Biodiesel, cause it was cleaning out the tank and lines so good that it would clog the fuel filter after about 30 minutes of operation. If we could just work on getting the commercial fleet switched over to Biodiesel, we’d be doing a HUGE benefit to the economy. It must be so cool to be able to pull up to their station and fill up, knowing you’re getting a superior product for cheaper, knowing that it keeps crap out of landfills, burns way cleaner than normal, and that the money you are paying stays local… going to local farmers who supply the product, the local workers that make the biodiesel on site, local truck drivers who distribute the raw and finished materials, and the people that work for the company itself. All 100% local. Not a single penny goes to some giant corporation and foreign government. :bowdown:

i’m all for it… but when this is nationwide, it will be a giant corporation and foreign governments will buy into it.

soybean is one of the best canidates for mass production. Some issuses are capacity of storage… it can’t be too hot or it’ll grow mold, can’t be too cold or it will thicken. New measures will have to be taken to all gas stations if a serious amount is stored and sold. Automakers don’t engineer for bio… so the fuel filter issue is no suprise… also issues with direct injection using fuel pressure for the injectors. The World-Wide Fuel Charter was updated to approve B5 levels of bio for automakers to adopt… B20 is more reasonable for current cars.

The biggest factor is cost… "One of the limiting factors to biodiesel use is its cost, which is about one cent per gallon more expensive than petroleum diesel for every percent added to the blend, meaning, for example, that B5 is on average five cents more per gallon than petroleum diesel. "


I’m trying to find out about a Mccaine Advertisement.
Said something about he took on the trucking industry.

can’t find a anything on it. anyone know?

never heard this one…

and i dont buy into the e85 corn based fuels. as the crop we use could be sold for more money to hungry countries. on same token, takes more plant based fuel to produce the same energy as gas.

i think electric and diesel–or a combination of the two (think train engine style) is the future. if the chevy volt lives up to it’s hype, it should sell well.

i drive 130 miles a day roundtrip for work. thats roughly 4k in gas a year based on my driving habits and 80 bucks max for fuel a week (ten gallons and change for full tank, i use 2 tanks a week, and get 32-36 mpg). 4 years
of driving like this, it is 16k in gas. add a grand per year for tires and maintainence. so 20k in 4 years for gas and service.

If i were to buy a volt, it would cost me more to operate it than to keep up the maintenance and buy gas on a honda… when owning an electric car is cheaper than gas, it will become a viable option.

Here’s my solution.

have a car start off on solar energy. when it gets to a certain speed fans kick on in the radiators spot have wind powered and it restores energy to the batterys.

solar + wind turbine = tree huggers fantasy.

my solution’s easier than yours.

make smaller cars that need less power to be propelled.
stop putting 18" wheels on cars from the factory.
have more turbodiesels available.

this car is just sitting in europe, getting 50 mpg on diesel, waiting for us to import it:


what is a shame is that you all are riding balls about new fuels and your boy O’bama and the democratic party changed their mind about offshore drilling :kekegay:

“Now, after a summer of quasi-sessions held by Republicans on the House floor and “drill baby, drill” at the GOP convention and Democratic nominee Obama saying he would be for off-shore drilling as part of a larger energy plan, Pelosi and Dem leadership have had a change of heart.” read: what they said in the past, is no longer valid :kekegay:

naturally though… who could do something for the public good and not for personal gain:

“Pelosi is once again demonstrating a practical side to running the place, putting a bill on the floor that is opposed by the Left in order to protect her majority. Detractors say the move is nakedly political and a hoax.”

Obama is not my boy, BOY.

I’m not talking about new fuels. I’ve been against E85 since day one. I’m for bringing cars here that are already available elsewhere. Roll back diesel emissions requirements for passenger cars to pre-2007 levels, and fill the dealer’s lots with efficient cars. I’m also for drilling anywhere that can be safely drilled. Imagine the leverage we could have if we could meet our entire demand with oil only from the Americas.

jesus… one of the biggest obama trends of the past was his ‘pursuit’ of new and alternative fuels… now, he’s folding and back peddling (as is the house) on proudly being against drilling off-shore. it’s weird how people tend to ignore blatant “flip/flops” when they want!!! I guess everyone says one thing and does another… huh? :slight_smile:

too bad republicans are too busy working for a living to make a Hypocritical video of Obama contradicting himself and post it on youtube!! :rofl: