is this the fourth book in the series?
this is all cool and all… until this weekend EB games told me that this is not getting released until november 07. which is totally awesome cus you know that it will get pushed back at least another 3 months. I hope they make the december xmas rush cut :ohnoes:
Bungie has never released a date that they didn’t make. Any dates prior to the November 17th date relased for Halo 2 were all rumors. Bungie announced the date and they hit it dead on (EB actually had the game almost a week early to ensure that we got enough copied). Halo 3 hasn’t been given an offical date as of yet, but Bungie is saying November of 07 and I have no problems believing that they will release the game at somepoint in November. They are one of the few game developers that I will trust when it comes to release dates.