happy 420 to all

you grow up instead of doing the rest of the community a disservice by acting like a 16 year old emo idiot hey man umm fuck you. u dont know the first thing about me so dont talk shit unless u can back it up

Nicely said Richard.

Additionally, in my opinion it is MORE than acceptable to judge someone based on their actions.

I’m not saying that I judge someone based on whether they smoke weed or not (even though I do), you make it sound like I shouldn’t be judging someone because of what they do in their spare time.

Well, I’m sorry for judging those priests who rape little boys in their spare time, and I’m sorry for judging you for posting moronic comments online in your spare time.

Holly shit you guys are all angry! We need to all calm the eff down! May this thread have Peace.

I just lost my ting down the sink im so bent…put it beside the sink and put my hat down beside it and it blew down into the sink and into the drain…It got caught 1/2 down the drain. I should post the video i got on my phone of me trying to resque it.


bunch of hooligans you guys are.
