happy 420 to all

happy 4:20.

I dont Get it?

Mo, Aren’t you an inner-city kid?

Happy 4/20 … Get it on.

LOL mo…

Happy 420, enjoy it :smiley:

hey isn’t 420 national weed day or something?

happy 4:20!

it just so happens my last 2 exams fall on the same day!

what a day it’s been.

too all the pot heads out ther 420 is gay and its all just a joke for hipeys to get more stoned i hope all you pot heads O.D. today … what is 420 why is 420 on april 20th why do we have 420 and what does it stand for ??? its all for gay pot head hipeys that have no life and have nothing better to do then smoke a plant I HATE ALL U RETARD HIPEY WEED SMOKERS GO O.D. OR GO SMOKE UR LAWN OR SOMETHING

On 4.20 Hitler was born and 14 people were killed in Columbine.

Nah dude.

Its a stand against government oppression all over the world. Governments seem to think they can control your bodily functions and choices you make that will affect your body.

Car enthusiasts should be ESPECIALLY understanding of this 4/20, especially at a time like now, with this crazy police blitz crap going on. IT’s all about how much power the government has, and how much they should have.

On a completely unrelated topic, can someone bring a gas mask to Bing’s meet? Oh, marioooooo you gunna be there?


Yeah, those bastards also think you shouldn’t drive drunk!

shut up being high is the best.

LOL, I’m not encouraging driving while intoxicated.

I brough tthe car issue in as a competely unrelated analogy.

Osad you missed Max’s point.

I don’t have much of an issue with pot but I do have an issue when people are driving around intoxicated… whether high on pot or any other drug… or while drunken.

Max’s point was a retort to your silly claim that the government attempts to control your decisions, which is a selfish perspective at best.

I hate to be the one to tell you this but the government doesn’t give a fuck about you - they give a fuck about the people who they believe you could potentially harm while intoxicated on a substance which they have banned. Be it by means of a bad decision, delayed reaction, lack of concentration while driving, etc. it doesn’t matter - the point is that they believe something is dangerous and you are required to follow their rules while you’re living on their soil.

I work in a place where people smoke weed around me all day and I see what it does to people. Some people aren’t affected much at all and others have a hard time doing just about ANYTHING productive afterwards.

I’ve had a kid working directly for me for the past week or so and almost every day around 5:00 (work day ends at 6:00) the boss takes him out to smoke a joint. When they come back in, the kid is useless to me - he can’t do a single thing without fucking it up and anything he does do for me he can’t answer any questions about it the next day because he wasn’t paying attention and has no idea what the hell he was doing.

right to liberty… freedom of choice… yours to express FTP
sniff much?

That kid needs to understand the difference between a few tokes and blowing through a doob with the boss. Working completely blasted is not cool if you need any sort of cognitive ability. I don’t mind a couple tokes throughout the day, but fuck if I need to deal with work after getting stoned.

I have a torn/damaged tendon in my back that causes this horrible grinding-pain feeling in my mid back, so I’m looking into getting a medical permit for it. My doctor is being a wanker (the injury involves and insurance claim and he doesn’t want to get involved at all. I’ve been suffering with this horrible pain for 8months and he has repeatedly refused to give me anything for it. I’m switching in two weeks to a more understanding doctor), so I haven’t had a chance to talk to him about it.

I very much enjoyed the so called, “holiday.”

Boomb 420 it was!

that’s a big blunt.

I agree with John. However, I usually take a few shots before I go to work. That’s the only way I can get through it.

Walter, what are u sayin tonight? UFC?

Yeah, UFC and some drinks.