happy 420 to all

Nice! I’d join you but i have no more beer and i’m tired :frowning:

ahh yes what a day it was yesterday…

now only if i could rember it


^^^^haha same ways…i thought 420 was on a thursday so i went home at 1am thinking i had to work the next day(friday)…I only found out it wasnt friday when we closed the shop at 1pm…i went to work and worked for no reason.

Yeah 4/20 was awesome!!! Wicked awesome, too bad I can’t remember anything about it …

i think you are an idiot.

Just because he hates hipies, he’s an idiot?

no its cause hes ripping on it so hard. thats nice hippys are fags, lovely… but not everone that smokes weed is a hippy. i bet everyone on here (even him) has tryed it atleast once and i dont think everyone on here is a hippy.

Not true, Never tried it never will, so don’t assume :wink:

I have nothing against it, have friends that do it.

Everyone just has there own choices, but some people try to push theirs like are friend mario here.

Sometimes I wonder why people get so worked up about what other people do

why do u think people who smoke pot are “hipies” people who smoke it are everywhere. people who u dont even suspect would have an affiliation with pot are some of the biggest smokers there is. if u have a comment on smoking pot make ur own dam thread and bash pot smokers. dont do it in my thread that was dedicated to the 420 celebration. and btw 420 makes 240. i always see those numbers on everything. tv. song times, microwave. ect.
edit: and i am high

I’ve never tried it, either. So much for your everyone has tried it at least once theory :slight_smile:

^^^^So many prime suspects to soon be shotttgunned. Muahaha. :stuck_out_tongue:

bring on the supers!

theres my point. i respect your choice and i respect the fact that your not bashing it. im just saying dont flame something you dont know about/have done. and if you feel the need to then more power to you. just do it respectfully. dont be a dick about it, if you think something then thats your opinion and your entitled to it. but again trying to force your opinion on others its going to get you nowhere…

end of story.

I’ll take your bet, but I agree, I highly doubt anyone’s a hippy… except for Theo.

well not EVERY one lmao i mean atleast 90% if not more. theres always one or 2 ppl that are not comfortable with it and i actualy do repect ppl that are not.

You sir are not a hippy; you sir are an idiot.

haha, but richard. He’s high, isn’t that a valid excuse?

No, it’s not a valid excuse. I know pot smokers who can speak coherently during a conversation.

umm u are an idiot 2 then. i dont give a shit people who smoke pot are not to be frowned upon. what gives any person the right to judge a person cause of what they do with there time.

Dude, I don’t care if your gay, married (a_ahmed) and smoke pot. Like I said, I have friends who smoke pot. Where did you get the idea that I was “hating” on pot smokers? All I did was ask why such an emotional reaction was displayed to some guy who hates hippies.

To the some dude is a VP of some company and he smokes pot, I mean a lot of pot argument. Waaa waaa waaa, go cry me another story. :-({|= Oh, am I to believe that because some rich dude smokes pot that you’re immediatly a genius or capable of making high level business decisions to direct a company in today’s every changing market? How about responsible, reliable or culpable? I will never base that judgement on the fact that they smoke or don’t smoke pot. The real truth is that judgement is based on the persons skills and history, irregardless of this recreational activity.

If you want to prove that pot smokers are mature and well respected members of the community then I suggest that you grow up instead of doing the rest of the community a disservice by acting like a 16 year old emo idiot.