happy b-day

QUIK!!!to bad ur laid up now!!!

happy b day

Happy birthday!

x2 at least hes guaranteed beyond a shadow of a doubt he will be laid(OUT)

happy bday and get well soon

Happy birthday fucknut-

Scary shiznit if you died on your birthday :scared:

u wont!!!

Happy B-day!!! we’ll take you out once you are better! :slight_smile:


quik likes BBC not White Female :eek4dance

British Broadcasting Corporation??? :confused: :wink:

Big black cock :doh:

Happy B day quiik !!

he said thanks he cant type no feeling in his fingers

:kekegay: no comment

got for us!!!good to see he’s home & kinda doing good!!!

:bigok: yeah quik… glad to see you’re doing better!!!