HAPPY BDAY amanda, the funnestest roomate EVAR. happy bday from me, scanz89, and kevin716. we will party hard later tonight.
:bday: :bday: :beer2:
HAPPY BDAY amanda, the funnestest roomate EVAR. happy bday from me, scanz89, and kevin716. we will party hard later tonight.
:bday: :bday: :beer2:
happy bday chick
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday Yay! :present:
Merry Birthday.
Do something fun like sink shitting :tup:
wait wait wait
so are you guys going out?
i’m so lost
EDIT: sure sounds like you’re teh going out! happy birthday
NO there not goin out … HAPPY 20 B-Day Amanda
happy birthday amanda!
Thanks everyone!!! I had a great birthday. I dont know why everyone is asking about
focusinprogress hes my room mate along with kevin716 I love them both no one has cooler room mates then me! What the eff scanz89 might as well be added to that hes here almost every day. Muah I love you too big bro!!! Thanks again!!!
omg amanda bday