happy birthday…yea bag…lol
c’mon, someone tell the story. def sounds good
happy birthday newman :tup: i like telling my students about you. they’re like, whoa - that dude’s the shit. 800mi away :pimp:
c’mon, someone tell the story. def sounds good
happy birthday newman :tup: i like telling my students about you. they’re like, whoa - that dude’s the shit. 800mi away :pimp:
you must teach special ed 3rd graders
insults aside, my point was that he’s done quite well for only having a bachelor’s degree
werd happy b=day newman, hope your presents an un-banning
and a banning of the mod that banned him.
happy bday dude
insults aside, my point was that he’s done quite well for only having a bachelor’s degree
lol i wasnt insulting you, i was joking about newman. like the only kids that would think hes cool would have to be handi-capable.
and my valvetrain isnt broken, its unfinished.
happy birthday y0
well… don’t get me wrong, we do have kids that could fail Water Fountain 102, if this was a course option…
Haha, thanks guys. Just saw this now.
andrea apologized to him the next day when she was sober… some people need to grow up and get over shit. not act like a 10 year old
shitty apology 3 days later via PM is hardly worth shit.
oh i missed this. happy birthday.
it’s easy to say something was an accident/mistake after it’s done and regret has set in after public scrutinization has begun.
and a banning of the mod that banned him.
Hey, I just read this.
Would you like me to kiss your ass or something? Tell me what you want me to do, oh wise one.
Boo fucking hoo, i had some alcohol.
happy bday man, hitler vs. kravitz Wii are the champions
Happy Birthday @newman !