While i was banned... 2 things w/pics:

FIRST: No i’m noot getting fat and my ass is not huge. Camera adds like 20 lbs or some shit. Let’s also ignore the floods… Black dress pants + motorcycle = not sexy… anyway:


SECOND: Don’t leave a drunk girl alone in your room with a marker. (Yes that is a headless jesus statue) the upside down cross is not shown… (i need to dust)




Unblur them words!

haha. no. it’s a name and it’s noone anyone on here knows…

the only thing you can do is post naked pics of her now. you have no other choice


It used to say RUBICANTLOVESNEWMAN but that was quickly changed when I was caught with the sharpie in my hand.


looks like it’s a good thing you didn’t leave your box of razor blades out.

Newman you should deflate the back tire and do some stuntin yo!

And pics the broad for revenge.

That’s fucking awesome, we have the exact same keyboard.

last night was interesting.

that is all.

:lol: @ I love tape on the masking tape lol.

she was drunk and did that? :bloated:

My brother has the same keyboard, just wired, and it fucking blows, worst keyboard I’ve ever seen. I even liked the old Dell “quietkey” ones better.

Zee crazyness!

Paypal me $10, and i’ll walk the 4 feet to his room and tell you the name.

Fuck you jay.

I was just looking to stir shit up.

“I was going to kill myself anyways”

You sure know how to pick them Newman…

Die in a fire!